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Monday, June 01, 2020

Vaccination Insanity (update 6/24/20)

Moderna, the company touted to be first with a COVID-19 vaccine, is heavily involved with Bill Gates, Dr. Anthony Fauci, DARPA, and all of the usual suspects. The “promising” vaccine is called mRNA-1273 and functions differently from traditional vaccines. Rather than inject weakened strains of the virus to develop immunity, this beauty edits the person’s genes to produce an antibody directly. EDITS THE GENE. Genetic engineering! What could possibly go wrong? Organic food buffs who decry GMO crops will have little to argue when they are vaccinated (mandatory?) and become human Genetically Modified Organisms. Permanently. Non-reversible. Part of your new genetic makeup to be passed on to your offspring. It is being fast-tracked, too. Of course, all of those involved will be indemnified from liability if, God forbid, something goes wrong. And to think I was primarily concerned with the restructuring of society! And Alan Dershowitz maintains that you don’t have a constitutional right NOT to be vaccinated. Welcome to the “new normal” of unrelenting fear mongering as the populace is stampeded into accepting things which they otherwise would not. Truly, we live in interesting times.

Folks stampeded by an astonishingly successful psyops program to accept the restructuring of society from energy intensive consumer capitalism to a much more static neofeudal capitalism based upon a form of debt peonage. The key was/is the arbitrary imposition of a near global lockdown necessitated by a "killer" virus "ravaging" the planet. For comparison, the 1918 influenza (a true killer virus) killed an estimated 50 million people out of a population of 1.8 billion. This 27,800 deaths per million would equate to 217 million deaths at our current population of 7.8 billion. COVID-19 deaths are estimated at 477,269 as of June 24, 2020 (61 deaths per million). The WHO estimates global influenza deaths varying between 290,000 and 650,000. The numbers speak for themselves and indicated that the reason for the lockdown was not medical necessity, particularly in view of the fact that hospitals and clinics, far from being overwhelmed, had/have massive underutilization and staff layoffs. The net effect was to prolong the pandemic and maximize economic disruption and social control. The notion that destroying small business and impoverishing the workforce is somehow good for people's health is ludicrous. And the fact that the majority of the population appears to genuinely fear COVID-19  as if it was the bubonic plague says volumes about the citizenry's susceptibility to manipulation.

Yet, the question remains why Bill Gates and the rest of the vaccination industry are pushing to essentially vaccinate the planet with what now appears to be a gene editing "vaccine." How many times has he said that things won't return to "normal" until everyone is vaccinated? Why are the rest of the elites going along with this? Why is there no mainstream media discussion of the genetic engineering implications of the mRNA application? Gates's obsession with the ID2020 surveillance "vaccine" was bad enough, but the implications of large scale human gene editing are too profound to be stampeded into. And that appears to be what is happening. And, as Catherine Austin Fitts notes, perhaps calling these experimental biotech cocktails "vaccines" is a ruse to free the pharmaceutical companies from liability. Bad enough that experimental vaccines are indemnified, now the "gene hackers" are to get a free pass to experiment on us? Yet, the large scale testing of genetic manipulation on humans seems wildly excessive and dangerous even for a megalomaniac like Bill Gates.

And how will these genetic tinkerers "engineer" human genes to produce an antibody for the coronavirus? By splicing in the appropriate gene segment from the horseshoe bat? No, I am not joking. The horseshoe bat is what is utilized by the two level 4 biolabs in Wuhan to extract the coronavirus for testing and experimentation with "gain-of-function." That is, to make the virus more deadly. Fauci and the WHO are involved with one of these labs, the Gates foundation with the other. My, what a coincidence. Most of the advanced sectors of the Chinese economy are owned and operated by Western corporations/organizations. And the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is everywhere developing markets for vaccines. The Foundation is primarily funded by investments in the pharmaceutical companies which manufacture these vaccines. Likewise, the WHO (World Health Organization) receives considerable funding from the Gates Foundation and the pharmaceutical companies and is significantly influenced by them and the promotion of mass vaccination. Throw in GAVI and the CDC and you have an incestuous relationship at the top of Western style industrial healthcare.

Of course, there is a method to the madness. The use of a moderately deadly virus as a means of social control is unexpectedly devious and remarkably effective. Rather than troops in the streets enforcing global house arrest, we have been persuaded to "shelter in place" to protect ourselves from an invisible deadly virus. This even as the lockdown destroys sectors of the economy and millions of jobs literally impoverishing a significant sector of the citizenry, something which would be impossible if relying simply on brute force rather than Machiavellian deception. And the naive notion that elites wouldn't unleash a virus on their own community in order to achieve strategic objectives is pollyannaish in its acceptance of social mythology and disregard for the actual history of elite control of society. All of this is well and good, however, I am still troubled by the almost casual plan to mass test gene editing on the general population. This is so far beyond the pale that it represents madness to their method of societal restructuring to achieve neofeudalism. Perhaps it is simply that the opportunity to use the 99% as cost free lab rats for testing was too tempting to pass up. How often does that sort of opportunity come along? In view of the likely origin of COVID-19, perhaps we should refer to the unlucky subjects as lab bats. A new label for the new normal.


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