The Great Reset
On June 3, 2020, the World Economic Forum announced its plan for a "Great Reset" for the global political economy capitalizing on the "opportunity" provided by the COVID-19 pandemic to restructure global society (see below).
There are many reasons to pursue a Great Reset, but the most urgent is COVID-19. Having already led to hundreds of thousands of deaths, the pandemic represents one of the worst public-health crises in recent history. And, with casualties still mounting in many parts of the world, it is far from over."
At this point in time it should be obvious to those not completely taken in by official propaganda that the COVID-19 pandemic is primarily a pretext to implement a restructuring of the global political economy. The rapid growth hydrocarbon era is ending and a new era best described as totalitarian neofeudalism is being implemented. Another way to describe what is happening is the elites have created a situation which will soon result in a global IMF type structural adjustment program with a Green veneer (reduced carbon emissions, etc.). We can look forward to massive debt servitude, mandatory vaccination involving genetic engineering and mass surveillance, a cashless society under financier control, human contact replaced by electronic communication, never-ending limitations on travel and group gatherings, and periodic resort to executive diktats "required" by proclamations of "emergency" conditions. All of this will be presented as a "solution" to the conditions created by the global lockdown justified by the COVID-19 pandemic. Credit where credit is due, the use of a virus by the 1% to terrify the 99% into submission was brilliant and will likely remain a key tool for future social control. It should be kept in mind that due to the unsustainability of our current system a global restructuring was inevitable. It was only a question of how and when. Let us review what I have previously said about the nature of the political economy and the changes to come. How accurate was I?
Neo-Feudalism and the New Dark Ages (June, 2013): "What can we expect? In the short run, the elites appear to favor global structural adjustment. All or most government functions and assets will be privatized, and the bulk of the population will be forced into de facto debt servitude. Media propaganda will continue, however, popular resistance is anticipated and will be dealt with harshly, in an openly fascistic manner. Surveillance will be ubiquitous."
Covid-19: The Orchestrated End of an Era (March, 2020): "It would appear that the inevitable collapse of our fossil fuel driven economy has been intentionally initiated by means of a coronavirus pandemic. Circumstances strongly suggest that this novel virus was probably developed in a bio-warfare laboratory and will be used to collapse our current system as part of a planned transition to a form of neo-feudalism. Since the draconian response to this "novel" virus will probably result in an economic collapse sinking significant sectors of our current energy intensive economy, it would appear that only certain sectors of the elites are involved: those which perceive that they will benefit from the restructuring. Unsustainable energy intensive productive capitalism of things is being replaced by a form of neo-feudalism based upon complete financial control involving debt obligations."
To my March, 2020 post I would add that Dr Anthony Fauci was in charge of experiments involving corona viruses at the Fort Detrick bio-weapons lab in Maryland until 2014. Fauci moved these experiments involving gain-of function to the Wuhan bio-lab in China where corona viruses from bats were made contagious to humans.
Elite hints that we can expect a second wave of COVID-19 infections and deaths have been ubiquitous. Will we? Probably. Since the folks who brought you phase one have the power to implement phase two, it is highly likely that they will in order to achieve their social control objectives. The elites are taking a wrecking ball to the old political economy so that the new dystopia can be constructed on the rubble of the old. Medical martial law. Surveillance and security will be overwhelming. This, I assume, is so that control can be maintained when the looming climate catastrophe decimates the agricultural system and mass starvation and civil unrest follow. I am reasonably sure that we have passed the global warming tipping point and will soon enter runaway global warming. Also, financial upheaval can be expected. I see no good way out of humanity's current predicament. I just hope that I can avoid mandatory vaccination with these untested COVID-19 vaccines, particularly the mRNA gene altering ones. This COVID-19 pandemic as social control caught me by surprise and I dread what megalomaniac Bill Gates and his fellow oligarchs have planned for the 99% in the near future. Folks need to understand that in a globalized world the global 1% are waging a form of war against the 99%. The global mainstream media are owned by and work for the 1% and operate to manufacture consent and provide elite messaging, nothing more.
As lockdown measures put many small businesses out of business and tens of millions of workers are laid-off, states, counties and cities essentially bankrupt drowning in debt with taxes down, how have the fat-cats fared?
"In their weekly analysis of wealth data Thursday, the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) and Americans for Tax Fairness (ATF) found that billionaires have seen their combined net worth grow by $584 billion in the three months since the Covid-19 pandemic shuttered much of the U.S. economy and threw more than 45 million people out of work.
Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Warren Buffett, and Larry Ellison—the five wealthiest billionaires in the U.S.—saw their collective riches grow by $101.7 billion between March 18 and June 17, according to the new report. A dozen other American billionaires saw their wealth more than double during that same period." (Jake Johnson)
How are people reacting to all of this? The majority seem to be getting increasingly upset with those who don't adhere to strict social distancing and mask wearing. Folks, you can't make this up, it has to be seen to be believed. No wonder the 1% has such disdain for the 99%.
Final note: in regards to COVID-19 versus the flu, the great "Spanish" flu epidemic of 1918 resulted in an estimated 50 million deaths out of a global population of 1.8 billion for a per capita death rate of 27,800 deaths per million. As of 7/27/20, estimated COVID-19 deaths are 650,000 out of a global population of 7.8 billion for a per capita death rate of 83 deaths per million. Also, COVID-19 reported deaths are overwhelmingly older folks with comorbidities, unlike the flu which can be a serious problem for children.
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