The Power of the Narrative
In "The Logic of Irrationality," I wrote that something is logical if it is consistent with relevant assumptions, whereas, something is rational if it is consistent with observable reality. The main thrust of the essay was that group ideology may provide an irrational framework to evaluate facts and events which would cause logical conclusions to be irrational. I have come to realize, however, that "observable reality" presents a large problem when dealing with situations and events which we observe primarily through the media rather than through direct experience. When the "facts" presented are false and the narrative propagandistic, particularly when consistent with other official misrepresentations, a dishonest narrative can be seen as an honest depiction of reality, hence, a sound basis for decision making. The power of the narrative is that it takes facts or pseudo facts while omitting contradictory facts and weaves them together into a coherent and cohesive story which supports a desired conclusion which seems completely rational based upon the "observable reality" depicted in the narrative. Once the narrative is accepted and believed it forms the basis for evaluating competing facts and narratives. To a significant degree, those who control the narrative control society, at least at the follower level.
Ideology and social mythology are relatively enduring but mostly static foundational beliefs. Things such as America is a democracy which sacrifices blood and treasure to bring freedom to the less fortunate peoples of the world, a shining city on the hill, for example. Beliefs which form the very basis for evaluating reality and constructing narratives. Narratives are stories constructed from facts and observations consistent with ideology and social mythology. For the purpose of this discussion I am going to ignore mini narratives and focus on significant narratives such as concerning the conflict in the Ukraine, and on overarching narratives such as the depicting of the history of US wars and interventions. Since very few Americans have first hand knowledge of the Ukraine, virtually all of our information comes from the media. This is primarily the mainstream media along with mainstream controlled alternative media. At this point in time, true dissent within the media is practically non-existent as a massive propaganda campaign silences dissent and reinforces the official narrative: Russia as a resurgent, war mongering empire and Putin as the new Hitler, a ruthless dictator to be feared and destroyed. The US history of ongoing military interventions is not discussed except, perhaps, within the framework of the overarching narrative of the US as a force for good with a responsibility to protect. Nowhere in the official narrative will the real history of the US empire be discussed with its long history of mass murder and subjugation of weaker peoples in its pursuit of global hegemony. To those who turn a blind eye to the nature of the empire in which they live, such an analytical framework is virtually inconceivable. One consequence of all of this is that the empire is free to do what it wants without fear of public opinion as long as it can construct and sell a suitable narrative. Most of the citizenry go along to get along and are not the least interested in poking holes in an official narrative which makes them feel good about themselves even as it manipulates their manufactured fears. This is the power of the narrative as a tool for social control.
A critically important point is that although any objective analysis of actual US interventions would give the lie to the "shining city on the hill" mythology, how many people are aware of this history? Most Americans sense of US history is overwhelmingly shaped by the myth-history presented in the entertainment media. In fact, I believe that Hollywood is at least as influential at shaping opinions as the news media. Current propaganda is evaluated against historical patterns as depicted primarily in movies, TV, books, etc. This, in turn, is reinforced by vague recollections of news media propaganda from the past. James Bond and Jack Ryan are heroic good guys, the CIA our defense against the ruthless KGB. Our military brave defenders of democracy and freedom around the globe. Very few seem aware that these big budget war films (Top Gun, etc) require extensive military cooperation to be made. This, in turn, entails extensive military input into the script. Anti war movies are few and far between and usually occur at specific junctures. You will never see a Hollywood movie showing the routine massacre of civilians by the US military as occurred in Korea and Viet Nam and elsewhere. Or the use of CIA controlled death squads in Indonesia, Central America, Iraq and now Ukraine. Or the CIA involvement in international drug smuggling. Instead, you will see an emotionally engaging propagandistic misrepresentation of reality consistent with ideology, social mythology, and the long term overarching narrative. This will serve as a surrogate historical framework within which current "news" is evaluated for believability. Keep in mind that in our global empire, Hollywood and other aspects of US media have a global impact upon reality perception. A single nation such as Russia cannot compete, not even close. The bottom line is that most Americans are unaware of the essential nature of the empire in which they live, their worldview based upon a constructed fantasy. Let me mention one fact which is never mentioned which would better put Russian power in perspective. Russian GDP in 2021 was less than half that of Germany and only slightly more than half of France. Hardly the basis for imperial ambitions.
Through the power of the imperial narrative, ongoing US/NATO aggression against Russia has been successfully depicted in the West as unprovoked Russian aggression against the Ukraine. This provides the pretext for further anti-Russian aggression by US/NATO, the abandonment of the Nordstream 2 pipeline along with the potential for closer German-Russian economic cooperation, and, most significantly, the imposition of sanctions ostensibly against Russia for its invasion but which are the basis for a global economic war designed to collapse the global economy. These sanctions will effect Europe more than Russia resulting in the collapse of the European market which, along with the closing of the US market will severely impact the Chinese export oriented economy. I have seen no indication that either the Russians or Chinese fully appreciate what is happening. We are at the end of the hydrocarbon era which both the Russian and Chinese economies were designed to support: one exporting minerals the other manufactures. Those days are over and trade is being intentionally shut down via sanctions with Russia being blamed. The key to survival will be local autonomy, not massive trade with elaborate supply chains. And most of the Western citizenry haven't got a clue as to what is actually happening because they are surrounded by the most all-encompassing and effective propaganda system ever conceived. Also, few really want to know the ugly truth, preferring to go along to get along. Unfortunately, that won't be enough to protect most folks from the changes about to occur.
One thing continues to bother me. How can many members of the left punditry fail to see the obvious? While the propaganda has been unusually focused and misleading, nonetheless, enough facts slipped through to permit any reasonable person to connect the dots and see what is actually occurring. Mind you, I am not talking about the mass of the citizenry who go along to get along, I am talking about so-called left leaning commentators who should be at least minimally aware of reality. So, a brief history of non-controversial, generally known facts. Let us begin in 2014 when neocon war hawk under secretary of state Victoria Nuland was centrally involved in the overthrow of the elected and legitimate government of Ukraine, to be replaced by her handpicked successor. At that point, Ukraine ceased to be a sovereign nation and became a US/NATO vassal state. A failed state kept afloat by foreign aid and World Bank loans. The overthrow and consolidation was made possible by the disciplined ruthlessness and terror of the neo-Nazis who formed an integral and essential part of the imposed regime. The Maidan protests began peacefully but soon became violent in the well known tradition of imperial regime changes. The elected President fled and the neo-Nazi infested, US supported satrapy took over immediately instituting what can only be described as an anti-Russian pogrom. The Russian speaking southeast rebelled and attempted to break away in self defense. The Donbass succeeded, however, Odessa failed as neo-Nazis massacred protesters in the trade union building, setting it afire and officially murdering 49 people, with an unofficial count of over 100. The Donbass was attacked by the Ukrainian military, however they were essentially defeated and driven back with Russian logistical assistance. Negotiations took place resulting in the Minsk agreements where the government of Ukraine agreed (on paper at least) to stop their attacks and permit the Donbass region significant autonomy within Ukraine. The Crimea, however, which had historically been a part of Russia voted overwhelmingly to rejoin Russia. The Ukraine refused to implement the Minsk agreements and had the full backing of US/NATO in so doing.
When Donald Trump was unexpectedly elected President in 2016, the neocon proxy aggression against Russia had to adapt. Trump had indicated that he would seek to improve relations with Russia, an act of heresy for the Russophobic neocons and liberal interventionists. Perhaps the most significant aspect of this phase was the totally unprecedented and unprincipled attack on President Trump as an unpatriotic Manchurian candidate, put in office by Moscow and controlled by Putin. An absolutely ludicrous ascertion. Arguably treasonous in its own right. While Trump had/has flaws too numerous to mention, he was not the war monger Hillary Clinton was/is. I have never seen anything like it. The Zionist controlled media, the Zionist controlled Democratic party and the Deep State were united in their efforts. Any initiative which would upset plans to attack and dismember Russia and/or eliminate Putin were treated as treasonous. Think about it. For four years the Zionist Democrats along with the Zionist media and the Deep State created a political environment where it was virtually impossible for the President of the United States to conduct negotiations aimed at conflict resolution and peace with Russia. Such was the neoconization of imperial foreign policy and the commitment to aggression against Russia. During this time, the neocons succeeded in using NATO to massively arm and train the neo-Nazi infested Ukrainian army, including the Azov Battalion. And once Biden was installed in the oval office, Victoria Nuland was brought back to oversea implementation of the neocon agenda and the inevitable war with Russia. And now liberal pundits who ignored imperial support for Ukrainian neo-Nazis and the 14,000 deaths in the Donbass caused by US/NATO/neo-Nazi aggression condemn Russia for violation of international law? International law which the empire tramples over on a daily basis? Negotiations? They haven't noticed how the empire has spurned negotiations for 8 years even as it has increased violence? It would appear that the so-called left is, in reality, an imperial left which is quite comfortable with the totalitarian direction we are headed and which they enthusiastically support.
"If we just let our vision of the world go forth, and we embrace it entirely, and don't try to piece together clever diplomacy but just wage a total war, out children will sing great songs about us years from now." (Richard Perle, notorious neocon)
Give me hegemony or give me death? This is the new "progressive" battle cry? Enthusiastic support for the neocon Project for a New American Century? For endless war? For risking nuclear war confident that our opponent will always back down if we remain resolute and uncompromising? We live in surreal times of "progressive" war fever. Where actual events are distorted by relentless propaganda into a grotesque misrepresentation of imperial power seeking. Where the logic of irrationality powers a war mongering imperial narrative whose end result is a form of collective insanity.
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