Keith's NO EMPIRE Blog

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Saturday, July 31, 2021

Outrageous Totalitarian Propaganda


In the 7/28/21 issue of the Seattle Times, there is an op-ed by Timothy L. O'Brien, a syndicated columnist under the headline "Anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers are deadly, not principled." He singles out Rep. Clay Higgins, R-La., whom he ridicules as "...a controversial former police officer and car dealer. The "Cajun John Wayne" is neither a virologist nor epidemiologist...." 

What Rep Higgins is doing which O'Brien thinks is a grave threat to public health is to talk about introducing legislation making it a crime to force compliance with certain pandemic medical diktats which violate informed consent for medical intervention. This is in reference to the recent introduction of forced or de facto forced COVID-19 "vaccination" attempts. I put vaccination in quotes because these nRNA "vaccines" are a form of genetic engineering rather than traditional vaccines. This reality is denied by the so-called MSM "fact checkers" who are in reality imperial propagandists. 

The authority for all of these COVID-19 "emergency" measures is contained in most states adopting the "The Model State Emergency Health Powers Act" drafted in December of 2001 in the wake of the 911 attacks and subsequent anthrax attacks. That the anthrax in question came from the Fort Detrick bio-weapons lab seems to have been lost in the discussion and is highly suggestive of the origins of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The bottom line is that camouflaged within the liberal rhetoric of good intentions is the legal basis for medical martial law and executive diktats justified by claims of a medical emergency. These claims of a medical emergency now sit alongside claims of national security as the unchallenged justification for all manner of normally unjustifiable activity. It should be noted that forced or otherwise coerced vaccination does away with the notion of informed consent for medical interventions. Does it seem right that the 1% can utilize the government to inject you with a substance even if you don't want to be injected? And make no mistake, these "health experts" owe their positions and loyalty to the global elite and can be replaced and ostracized for failure to perform as expected.

So what does this dangerous "Cajun John Wayne" actually say? "If you want to get vaccinated, get vaccinated. If you want to wear a mask, wear a mask. If you don't, then don't. That is your right as a free American," he noted on Facebook in May. "I don't support mandatory vaccines, mask mandates, or any form of required vaccine passport." Putting aside the issue of face masks, the prohibition of forced vaccination and vaccine passports (a form of coercion) seems to me to be a defense of informed consent. Why is that a problem? And why is ongoing medical martial law and the drift toward totalitarianism a solution to anything? Yet, Timothy O'Brien makes the outrageous assertion that "Attempting to criminalize public health measures,which can intimidate health experts even if legislation never passes, dovetails with the philosophy and tactics of Higgins' fellow travelers." Whoa! Restricting appointed "health experts" from forcing me to be vaccinated against my will is me intimidating them? Makes me a "fellow traveler" with Rep. Clay Higgins? I never heard of Rep. Higgins before this op-ed, don't know much about him except that on this one issue he is doing something to protect me from medical martial law. My body, my choice!

Focusing on COVID-19 (and the never ending variants) tends to obscure the larger reality of the restructuring of the global political economy which is occurring, and which is being misrepresented as a necessary response to COVID-19. Tens of thousands of small businesses out of business, millions put out of work, poverty, debt and homelessness skyrocketing while government staggers under unsustainable debt. Yet, apparently, getting the population injected with a gene altering cocktail is an integral part of the transition to neofeudalism. Speculating, there are several reasons why. The most obvious is that "vaccination" records will become part of a vast surveillance system similar to Bill Gates vision of ID2020. These records could be eventually upgraded to programmable nano bots which would provide a real time track and trace. The weapons guys at DARPA are funding some of this with an eye to controlling people from the inside out. 

The perceived need of the elites for radically increased domestic surveillance and control is in response to the likely consequences from the end of the hydrocarbon era of abundant cheap energy, and to the looming environmental catastrophe of which Global Warming is but a part. For at least two decades, military planners have warned of the likelihood of a massive increase in instability and violence as conditions worsen for the majority of the global population. In a globalized world, the new enemy of the global 1% is the global 90% (not the 99%). Consumer capitalism is ending and totalitarian neofeudalism is being implemented. This will entail a draconian increase in domestic security, part of which is bio-terrorism against the majority used as a means of control. DARPA is involved in these gain-of-function projects and the genetic engineering "vaccines." DARPA's only function is the development of advanced weaponry which should tell you all you need to know about what is happening. This is all about the struggle for power among the elites in anticipation of societal and ecological collapse which is fast approaching. We are witnessing the controlled demolition of the current political economy as part of a massive restructuring of global society in such a way to facilitate elite control and power during anticipated (correctly in my view) chaotic conditions. No other explanation can account for the massive effort under way and for the elite commitment to what would otherwise appear as irrational activity. I have anticipated such a restructuring for about 10 years, however, the use of domestic bio-terror as a trigger and justification caught me by surprise. With the benefit of hindsight, the use of  bio-terror and medical martial law makes sense from an elite perspective and has so far been remarkably effective in implementing the restructuring of the global political economy.


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