Here We Go Again
Here we go again. What once appeared to be voices of sanity arguing that the COVID-19 pandemic was, in reality, a pretext for medical martial law leading to the restructuring of the global political economy have revealed themselves to be global warming deniers and 911 conspiracy cultists. The UKColumns website seems to be leaning in that direction, OffGuardian and The Corbett Report are full in.
Following the 911 terrorist attack, I was initially disturbed by the failure of the media and most mainstream analysts to hold the Bush administration accountable for what appeared to me to be at least criminal negligence and possibly de facto collusion. Originally, I thought that the 911 Truth movement was about shining a light on possible government complicity in facilitating their "New Pearl Harbor." The administration was obviously exploiting it for nefarious purposes. Alas, sometime around 2003 I saw the David Ray Griffin film on 911 Truth. I was incredulous that 911 Truth was focusing on the ludicrous claim that the twin towers (and building 7) were brought down by controlled demolitions, and that the Pentagon was struck by a missile, not an airplane. A controlled demolition where tons of high explosives are positioned in occupied buildings with the walls and ceilings intact? The main charges positioned towards the top of the building rather than the base? "Controlled" demolitions following airplane strikes? High explosives withstanding raging fires, then firing on command? All of this when the government could have achieved their "New Pearl Harbor" when the first plane struck the first building? A missile striking the Pentagon with the hijacked airplane simply disappearing? The implications of this last claim are that air traffic control was involved in this impossibly large conspiracy and that the victims of the Pentagon plane strike didn't die. This is an insult to the victims on that plane and their relatives as well as an insult to the intelligence. In a sane world, the 911 Truth movement would have been ridiculed out of existence. But since they served elite interests by associating legitimate inquiry into administration culpability with preposterous scenarios, this commandeered movement is alive and well. And, apparently, have been called into service to discredit the COVID-19 critics like me by association with true conspiracy theorists. Talk about deja vu? I wrote about this in 2006 as the "911 Conspiracy Cult," and in 2016 as the "911 Diversion."
In regards to climate change, the reality of anthropogenic global warming seems quite straightforward to me. Greenhouse gases, primarily carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide, trap a certain amount of solar radiation resulting in a more moderate climate well suited to human habitation at concentration levels existing during the Holocene era. Increased concentrations of these gases will increase the amount of solar radiation trapped and will potentially alter the climate consistent with the amount of the increase. The CO2 concentration has remained remarkably consistent for the last 10,000 years until human activity has resulted in rapid and substantial increases in CO2, going from 285 ppm in 1850 to 412 ppm in September, 2020, for a 44% increase. Methane and nitrous oxide were similarly effected with nitrous oxide increasing 24% and methane a whopping 242% (,, n2o These increases literally exploded after 1950.
Based upon this, one would expect that the global average temperature would increase, would increase significantly and increase rapidly. Has it? Yes. For the past 50 years, each five year period has been warmer than the previous period, the most recent 5 year period (2015-2019) seeing the largest increase by far of .25 degrees C (.45 degrees F) hotter than 2010-2014. My evaluation is that we have likely passed the tipping point and will shortly enter into runaway global warming causing, among other things, massive failure of our non-sustainable agricultural system leading to huge famines of biblical proportions. This reality is one of the reasons that the elites have concocted this corona virus pandemic as a pretext for restructuring the global political economy. The draconian security measures being implemented only make sense when viewed against the real possibility of global chaos. And the restructuring (the Great Reset) requires scaring the population into compliance. This has essentially been achieved in spite of the fact that the per capita death rate for COVID-19 (in spite of inflated reporting) remains orders of magnitude below the per capita death rate for the 1918 "Spanish" flu. That's right, in spite of the fear mongering, COVID-19 to date is a couple of orders of magnitude less than the 1918 influenza epidemic which killed an estimated 50 million people out of a population of 1.8 billion for a per capita death rate of 27,800 deaths per million population which, at our current global population of 7.8 billion would equate to over 200 million total deaths versus the 943,000 (over)estimated COVID-19 deaths as of 9/17/20. At this rate, it is doubtful that COVID-19 deaths for 2020 will equal the 1.5 million estimated deaths for TB in 2019. Yet, the manufactured hysteria continues while coercive social control increases.
Clearly the COVID-19 pandemic is a pretext for restructuring the global political economy (the Great Reset) and for dramatically increased internal security and social control. Yet, when one denies the reality of the fast approaching climate catastrophe, one completely misunderstands the reality of what is going on. One way or another, the global political economy is going to change to accommodate the changed reality. There is no going back to the way things used to be. And while the 99% may influence the course of events slightly, this will require an awareness of what is actually occurring and why. Global warming denial is counterproductive and potentially disastrous. Rapidly increase the atmospheric greenhouse gases to levels which existed hundreds of millions of years ago and you will probably get the climate which existed hundreds of millions of years ago, sufficiently different from our current that the existing biosphere which evolved to thrive in pre-industrial conditions may not be able to adapt quickly enough to avoid agricultural failure. Add in all of the other anti-environmental inputs such as drowning our crops and soil in poisons and a disaster looms. The Great Reset won't prevent any of this, merely provide the basis for the survival of some percent of humanity. The ability to exert some pressure may permit some small degree of influence to permit marginally better conditions. Regrettably, most folks blindly support their reference group meme while ignoring empirical reality.
As for the huge current emphasis on "911 Truth" on the pandemic critics websites, I can only assume that the elites wish to discredit the more visible pandemic critics by tying them to the bizarre 911 controlled demolition meme. This technique was successfully used shortly following the 911 attack to divert attention away from the very real indications of either gross incompetence or de facto complicity. Instead, 911 Truth became a cult following trying to convince people of an insane proposition thereby diverting attention away from easily demonstrable negligence/collusion. The only thing 911 "Truth" accomplished was splitting the left (what was left of it) and effectively destroying the anti-war movement. And now they are back in full force with organization and funding in order to taint the resistance to the more draconian aspects of the Great Reset by conflating them with true conspiracy theory regarding 911. The success of 911 Truth in destroying the left and the anti-war movement speaks for itself. And now they are back to taint the resistance to medical martial law. If history is any guide, they will probably succeed. Yet another example of the elites significantly controlling the opposition to keep it weak. And you better believe that the use of a virus (the new enemy) to control the population is here to stay.
An additional comment is in order. What about historically reliable alternative media websites like CounterPunch, which ridiculed the ongoing Russiagate farce? CounterPunch, like virtually the entire dissident Left, has gone full in on the COVID-19 meme, running ludicrous articles describing Trump as a mass-murderer due to his handling of the pandemic. In reality, it is the states that had the most draconian lockdown measures which have the highest COVID-19 per capita death rate, especially New York State which sent sick elders from hospitals to care homes exacerbating the situation. These states had mostly Democratic governors, and would have been better to have followed traditional approaches rather than these unprecedented lockdowns which are (obviously) intended to destroy the old economy (not a bad thing) to pave the way for the planned global restructuring now underway. To me this indicates that the entire Left is fully committed to the COVID-19 narrative and alternative media outlets like CounterPunch have to literally preach to the choir to maintain their funding base. This strongly suggests that much of the Left intuitively sense that this is a watershed moment in time and are completely caught up in the struggle for power/survival. So, I no longer trust those I once trusted and I look with a jaundiced eye upon those who seem to be making sense on the pandemic but who historically have been what can only be described as true conspiracy theorists. Nothing wrong with conspiracy theory if you have the facts and logic to back it up, but not when it is an organized diversion from reality. So there it is. Circumstances beget intellectual chaos as the various groups abandon even the pretense of empirical awareness as they attempt to spin the COVID-19 narrative to their advantage. And as bad as things are, they will soon get worse.
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