COVID Epiphany
I have had a second epiphany. The first was when I saw that the Pandemic lockdown was an integral part of the controlled demolition of the current economy leading to the restructuring of the political economy from consumer capitalism to a form of neofeudalism. Now I have come to believe that the ending of the Pandemic relief measures will result in a somewhat softer version of the shock therapy administered to Russia by the U.S. following the breakup of the Soviet Union. After the violent installation of Boris Yeltsin, the US advisors, led by Harvard's Jeffrey Sachs, essentially looted the Russian economy, selling off state assets to foreign investors and local oligarchs. Support for the Russian people virtually disappeared resulting in unprecedented and catastrophic impoverishment of the populace which, in turn, led to a massive increase in the number of deaths. "Low birth rates and abnormally high death rates caused Russia's population to decline at a 0.5% annual rate, or about 750,000 to 800,000 people per year from the mid-1990s to the mid-2000s.",1990s%20to%20the%20mid%2D2000s.&text=In%202018%2C%20the%20UN%20claimed,to%20132%20million%20by%202050.
Back then there was no Corona virus to blame for these increased deaths, Russian public opinion of little importance to the empire in any event. The health and well-being of the Russian people was much more significantly impacted by this restructuring than what is now occurring with COVID-19, the effects of which are wildly exaggerated. Likewise, the impacts of the current restructuring will probably far exceed the impacts of COVID-19, but will be misrepresented as being a consequence of COVID-19. To make myself perfectly clear, the economic consequences of the pandemic lockdown are intentional and an integral part of this global restructuring, not some unanticipated and unavoidable consequence of necessary medical precautions to "save lives." The power elite originally took steps to ameliorate the negative consequences of this unprecedented global lockdown so as to facilitate implementation. There will be no further amelioration of these draconian measures as this would interfere with elite objectives. This is a long planned and tightly orchestrated restructuring of the political economy in such a way as to deal with certain environmental and structural problems in such a way as to maintain elite control during the chaos of transition and the anticipated climate emergency.
It bears noting that as of 12/20/20, the (exaggerated) claimed global deaths from COVID-19 are 1.69 million out of a population of 7.8 billion for a per capita death rate of 217 per million population. During the 1918 "Spanish" flu pandemic, there were an estimated 50 million deaths out of a population of 1.8 billion people for a per capita death rate of just under 27,800 per million population. In other words, globally, the claimed COVID death toll, serious as it is, is still less than 1 % of the 1918 flu deaths per capita. Hardly an existential threat "ravaging" the planet as the media hype claims. Yet, COVID is a convenient pretext which is here to stay. Medical martial law and government by executive mandates is part of the new normal. The harsh reality is that the 1% has normalized the use of bio-terror against the 90% (not the 99%) as a means of ongoing social control. Make no mistake, we live in a globalized world in which the global elites rule over the rest of the global population with the active collusion/cooperation of the upper levels of the 99%. National rivalries still exist to a certain extent, however, we are dealing with a global matrix of control primarily involving financial control and informational control of global interdependencies. The use of domestic bio-terror utilizing the hundreds of biolabs globally is a new and highly effective wrinkle. Most folks can't even conceive of such a thing even though there is no other reason to have these labs and their emphasis on "gain-of-function." How long have these labs been working on "gain-of-function" of the bat derived corona virus? At least a decade. And the use of an invisible virus whose presence and lethality is seen primarily through orchestrated media accounts is an ideal weapon to terrorize the population into submitting to draconian control and massive change to the political economy. Actually, some of the upcoming changes are probably necessary and can only be implemented by scaring the public into compliance. Yet, on balance, these upcoming changes strongly favor the current elites.
An interesting and informative article appeared in the December 23, 2020 Seattle Times written by Mike Stobbe of the Associated Press. The article's headline claims 3 million U.S. deaths expected in 2020. This refers to the all-cause death statistics put out by the CDC (although that is not made clear) and is an estimate. Many will incorrectly assume that this refers to the COVID-19 (exaggerated) death estimate which is about 10% of that. The article further claims that U.S. life expectancy for 2020 could end up dropping as much as three full years. Once again, the implication is that COVID is to blame. Since the median age for reported COVID deaths in the U.S. is 78 years and the average U.S. life expectancy is 78.8, it seems unbelievable that COVID-19 could lower U.S. life expectancy by 3 years. On the other hand, increased mortality due to lockdown measures which would have a greater impact on younger people could result in a significant reduction. Journalist Mark Ames who was in Russia when Yeltsin came to power claims that the U.S. instigated "shock therapy" resulted in Russian male life expectancy dropping from 68 years to 56 years. Could this article be preparing the American people for a significant reduction in U.S. life expectancy due to economic restructuring which will be blamed on COVID-19? Of course it is.
Finally, an interesting phenomenon is the "liberal" media completely ignoring the structural aspects of the lockdown while ridiculously claiming that a Biden presidency will result in a return to "normal," possibly even a "progressive" era. Are these people sane? The harsh reality is that what remains of the old economy will be destroyed (much of this necessarily so) while the "new normal" of totalitarian neofeudalism will be implemented. For the upper middle class "liberals" (imperial liberals) who favor the Democrats, this will be seen as a tolerable and necessary inconvenience. For the blue collar workers who inhabit the lower rungs of society and who the Democrats abandoned long ago, times will be increasingly difficult. Loss of jobs, income, healthcare, educational opportunities and housing insecurity will result in alienation and anger. There will probably be some sort of guaranteed basic income for those who comply with the ongoing restructuring. The bottom half of the population, along with State and local governments will drown in debt. Most small and many medium size businesses will go out of business, their assets acquired by the large corporations for pennies on the dollar as the Lords of Capitalism establish total neofeudal control. Surveillance and security will be ubiquitous. Vaccination will become de facto mandatory as biological means of social control become more available. The near future will be increasingly chaotic. None of this will be even remotely sufficient to prevent the ecological disaster now unfolding, rather, it will provide the means to enable the elite to have access to the relatively small number of potential islands of survivability as the entire global ecosystem collapses.
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