2021: The Gloves Come Off
The restructuring of the global political economy from consumer capitalism to a form of totalitarian neofeudalism has proceeded surprisingly smoothly and rapidly. The pretext of protecting the public from an unprecedented health emergency is an extraordinarly successful psyops campaign. The mainstream media is fully committed to this deep state propaganda campaign and much of the imperial liberal professionals (primarily Democrats) are fully caught up in the scare mongering which has been an inconvenience and disruption to them but little more. It is the lower rungs of society which are being hugely impacted, however, the full effects of the restructuring have been temporarily softened by COVID relief measures. Consequently, resistance has been muted and changes have occurred which are irreversible. Small businesses (the major source of employment) have been decimated, medium size businesses struggling with mounting debt. Most states, counties and cities are more or less bankrupt and drowning in debt. Millions of workers have effectively lost their jobs, income, and health care. Many are arrears in rent payment and face eviction in the new year.
With all of the temporary relief measures ending, 2021 will be a year of reckoning. The streets of Seattle (where I live) are already lined with the tents of the new homeless forced to live rough even as the winter flu season begins. Under these circumstances, all cause mortality statistics for the U.S. will likely increase dramatically in 2021, primarily a consequence of the economic restructuring. Lack of adequate food, clothing, shelter and medical care, along with depression and anxiety, is bad for the health. This is what happened in Russia under Yeltsin when the "Harvard boys" (Jeffrey Sachs, et al) implemented shock therapy and decimated the population. Our media propaganda system will blame COVID-19 for the increased mortality, in effect, using the consequences of the lockdown to justify the lockdown. Lockdown restrictions will remain in place until there is a demonstrable improvement in the health statistics, a virtual impossibility. It must be remembered that our elites are devious and ruthless and fully committed to the restructuring of the global political economy.
Some of the ostensibly "progressive" elites such as Klaus Schwab, head of the World Economic Forum, claim that this restructuring (The Great Reset) presents an opportunity to improve society. Theoretically, he is correct, however, the final form of this restructuring will be determined by the oligarchs and corporations which effectively run society and who have no interest whatever in improving society and the lives of the majority of people. Rather, they are pursuing their lifelong goal of power acquisition and social control. The fat-cats at the apex of the social pyramid are more motivated by their psychopathic obsession with power accumulation along with characteristic ruthlessness and contempt for the masses. The final result will be anything but progressive. Essentially, we are moving toward a rentier economy of debt servitude for the majority, the energy intensive growth economy of consumer capitalism a thing of the past. For a variety of reasons, we are at the end of the hydrocarbon era of abundant cheap energy upon which we have become dependent.
The elites began 2020 by establishing the myth of a natural zoonotic mutation of a bat derived "novel" corona virus. The virus supposedly originated in some bat cave and made it's way hundreds of miles to an open air market in Wuhan, China. Highly unlikely but theoretically possible. A more likely explanation is that this new virus may have escaped but was likely intentionally released from the Wuhan biolab which was performing gain-of-function experiments on bat corona viruses. These experiments had been conducted at the Fort Detrick biowarfare lab in the U.S. but were moved to the Wuhan lab in 2014. The appearance of COVID-19 in Wuhan immediately following the Event 201 pandemic simulation involving the Gates foundation, the World Economic Forum, and various deep state actors is more than a coincidence. Wuhan was a logical location for initiating a pandemic, Fort Detrick too obvious to be effective and U.S. allies excluded as well. The pandemic was introduced in an initially limited way with the first lockdowns scheduled for only several weeks as a necessary inconvenience. They were then continually extended supported by media fear mongering. We have now reached the point where mask wearing, social distancing, lockdowns and executive diktats have been normalized.
Now that the virus has been accepted as a tragic and threatening act of nature originating in an "enemy" country, follow-on releases can be made from any number of the hundreds of biolabs which develop these dangerous biological agents. Also, the use of a highly contagious but only moderately deadly biological weapon is perfectly suited to a weapon of mass economic disruption. A too lethal virus could pose a serious threat to the lives of the elite. As it is, COVID-19 seems to mostly effect the elderly with comorbidities. The death count seems exaggerated due to intentional labeling bias. If you test positive on one of these (unreliable) tests and die during the next 30 days you will be counted as a COVID-19 death regardless of other factors. The more testing the more cases and the more deaths labeled as COVID-19 deaths. The all-cause mortality data is considerably less alarming than the orchestrated hype, however, that will soon surge as the effects of winter and the lockdown take effect. There will be a significant increase in mortality which will be blamed on COVID-19 rather than on the inevitable and foreseeable consequences of shutting down the economy for an extended period.
2020 set the stage for medical martial law, the destruction of main street and small business, and the drowning of local and state governments in massive debt, along with mass unemployment and massive personal debt. 2021 will see the consequences of this as millions wind up in de facto debt servitude and privatization of the political economy runs wild. Let me be crystal clear: this manufactured mass unemployment will result in a massive increase in families falling below the poverty line and a massive increase in children living in poverty even as U.S. billionaires increased their net worth by over $900 billion during the pandemic. There will be intense pressure for de facto mandatory COVID vaccination, along with contact tracing and other forms of surveillance. There will be a push to replace currency with digital money. 5G networks facilitate surveillance and will be pushed in spite of health risks. The attack on small business will extend to small scale farming, particularly in the Third World where India's farmers are being intentionally put out of business in favor of agribusiness and factory farming. Environmental rhetoric aside, the net effect of all of this will be to reduce or eliminate local autonomy making long term human survival problematic. 2020 saw the elites successfully lay the ground work for the restructuring of society, 2021 will be a full-on elite assault on the 90%, especially impacting the bottom 50%. How interesting that all of this appears to be hidden in plain sight, the majority of people distracted by COVID propaganda and unable to perceive the inevitable consequences of the pandemic restructuring. 2020 was bad, 2021 will be worse, perhaps much worse as the elites take off the gloves in pursuit of elite objectives. Media hype about a possible "recovery" is pure PR intended to calm the citizenry, nothing more.
Finally, the elites have been remarkably successful in obtaining support for their policies among the top 20 - 30% of the population who mostly support the Democrats and self-identify as liberal. This group has been much less effected by the lockdown and medical martial law than those below, particularly the bottom half of the citizenry who are feeling the full brunt of the economic impacts of the restructuring and who are becoming restive albeit ineffectively. In typical divide and rule fashion, the elites have convinced the "liberal" professionals that the bottom 50% of the population are crazed Trump fascists who threaten stability and prosperity, their resistance to medical martial law a threat to public safety. This professional class stands on the sidelines and averts their gaze from the harsh reality of this restructuring. Nowadays, the Democrats have become the faithful servants of Wall Street and the Deep State and de facto enemies of Blue Collar workers.
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