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Thursday, May 26, 2022

The US/NATO/Neocon War on Russia


"Today's warfare is financial in character. Creditors now achieve by financialization and privatization what armies used to seize by force." (Michael Hudson)

In our interdependent (by design) globalized world, most of the supposedly independent and sovereign nations are neither fully independent nor sovereign. The very concept is a somewhat anachronistic holdover from the pre-globalized era. Nowadays, trade and financial interdependencies along with debt obligations and electronic and social penetration have rendered national governments essentially vassals to a global system of interconnectivity and control. Advanced technology has enabled the US empire to transmogrify itself into the American led global empire of the global elites where finance capital directs corporate control linked through the internet. Governments essentially serve to administer their respective polities for the benefit of our global oligarchs and corporations. The proliferation of military alliances such as NATO serve to transfer control of national militaries over to the global empire. Military force is but one component of full spectrum dominance to be utilized as required to achieve imperial objectives. And since the US is a national security state which relies upon the military industrial complex both as a means of economic stimulation and as an instrument of de facto economic guidance and control, military spending continues to rise in spite of a lack of a credible military threat. The notion that Russia with its modest size economy is a military threat to Western Europe and the World is ludicrous, yet that is the propaganda narrative being used to justify imperial war mongering. Yet, Russia does possess a formidable nuclear capability which makes the US/NATO Ukrainian gambit dangerous to the point of insanity.

We are already in phase 3 of Global War 1 (WW III). Phase 1 occurred with the breakup of the Soviet Union which was seen by the West not as an opportunity for peace (we are a national security state, remember?), but as an opportunity to extend imperial power to the former USSR Eastern European vassal states. This was done with the use of the form of hybrid warfare known as color revolutions. Essentially, an army of Western NGOs with a corporate friendly agenda organized and subsidized youthful future leaders to advocate for the hidden corporate agenda even as the World Bank and IMF loaded these countries with debt and conditionalities. Western friendly politicians were then elected having benefited from sophisticated election campaigns relying upon Western financing as money power took control of these societies. Once in charge, these countries were persuaded to ask to join an expanding NATO thereby ceding control of their militaries to the empire. It should be further noted that many of these Eastern European countries had either joined with Nazi Germany in the attack on the USSR or had significant segments of their society which collaborated with the Nazis and were openly Russophobic. The net effect of all of this was that a growing military alliance hostile to Russia was advancing eastward toward Russia's border by taking control of countries through the use of hybrid warfare. Russia, at the time, was too weak to do anything about this situation which was in violation of previous Western (obviously duplicitous) commitments. 

Phase 2 of Global War 1 was the overthrow of the elected President of the Ukraine and replacing him with an imperial satrap. Toward the end of 2013, President Viktor Yanukovych defied the empire by negotiating a loan from Russia rather than the IMF with odious IMF conditionalities. The US then fomented a coup utlizing neo-Nazi terrorists to destabilize the regime causing the elected President to flee and be replaced by the US installed satrap. What little wiggle room the former Ukraine had as a Western supported vassal state disappeared as Uncle Sam tightened the leash on their puppet. At this point in time, Ukraine became a total US/European/NATO dependency, its existence enabled by foreign aid and loans, it's "sovereignty" non-existent. Make no mistake, after 2014 the Ukraine ceased to be a "sovereign" nation even loosely defined. Even though not an official NATO member, the Ukrainian military was de facto controlled by NATO which provided equipment, training and leadership. The IMF more or less runs the economy at the macro level. This was facilitated by the appointment of U.S. citizen Natalie Jaresko to the newly created position of Finance Minister which required the Ukrainian legislature granting her Ukrainian citizenship on the day she took office. Born in Illinois, she received a BS in accounting from De Paul University and an MPP from Harvard, impeccable credentials to perform as a rubber stamp for the global financial elite. Ukrainian civil society is inundated with over 41,000 non-profits, charities and NGOs, most Western supported and hewing to the Western narrative, effectively political cadres of the West. The CIA is actively involved, providing training and guidance to the neo-Nazis who infest the security services and discipline the population through terror. Any opposition to US/NATO control has been effectively eliminated or driven underground.

Phase 3 of Global War 1 began with the Russian "special military operation" to de-militarize and de-Nazify the Ukraine. This was a preemptive invasion to seize the military initiative prior to the likely planned US/NATO/Ukrainian full military assault on the unoccupied Donbass region of the Ukraine. It should be kept in mind that had Russia not invaded, US/NATO would have utilized their NATO trained and heavily armed Ukrainian proxy forces to launch a massive attack on the Donbass region of Ukraine held by ethnic Russian independence forces. This attack would have provoked an anticipated Russian military response. Phase 3 of Global War 1 would have occurred with or without Russia's preemptive attack. The two immediate objectives of this US/NATO planned aggression are to put an end to the Nordstream 2 pipeline project and German/Russian economic cooperation leading to the disastrous-for-empire Chinese/Russian/German economic integration now no longer possible, at least in the short to medium run. This elimination of potential competitors for global economic and military dominance has been a central feature of imperial planning at least since Brzezinski's "The Grand Chessboard" published in 1997 which morphed into the hyper militarized neocon Project for the New American Century in 2000. Make no mistake, US/NATO's anti-Russian aggression is the neocon version of the Grand Chessboard utilizing Ukraine's neo-Nazi infested NATO controlled military as a proxy force to engage and weaken Russia consistent with a 2019 Rand Report titled "Overextending and Unbalancing Russia." 

One of the more sinister aspects of phase 3 is the use of extreme sanctions ostensibly to hurt Russia economically but which will obviously impact Europe more severely and which will likely have global implications for both the Third World and IMF debt, and for China and its export dependent economy. The American led global empire is using the Ukraine conflict as a pretext to collapse the global economy in order to facilitate a "Great Reset" from our current consumer capitalist global economy to a totalitarian form of corporate neofeudalism relying upon control of wealth and functionality instead of land area. Rather than enticing people to buy things they don't need, the system will rely upon a form of debt peonage to force compliance. Most "professional" analysts seem blissfully unaware of the nature of globalized reality and of the effect of recent technological innovations (Computers, internet, cell phones, etc) on social organization and control. It is literally possible for the empire to organize and control a foreign society from afar on a realtime basis in similar fashion to globalized computer controlled manufacturing. This process is facilitated by massive propaganda along with literally tens of thousands of Western financed NGOs. One high ranking British military official recently noted that there is no longer a clear distinction between peace and war, rather there is a never ending continuum of conflict over a broad range of activity. Cyber warfare, for example. In this regard, it should be noted that these new sanctions can cause consequences and casualties far in excess of any battlefield casualties in the Ukraine; simply recall the 500,000 excess child deaths in Iraq caused by sanctions. Yet, there are environmental consequences to these new gas pipelines and the increased use of hydrocarbon fuel which they permit and encourage. Environmental consequences at odds with the fraudulent goal of net carbon zero. There is an underlying complexity to these events not readily perceived. 

In summary, anyone who views the Ukrainian conflict as an unprovoked Russian invasion of the "sovereign" state of Ukraine is seriously out of touch with reality. The rather more harsh reality is that the Ukrainian military conflict is the start of phase three of Global War 1 in which the empire utilizes all of the components of full spectrum dominance to destroy or otherwise neutralize Russia and China as potential competitors for global supremacy as we transition from global finance capitalism to a form of totalitarian neofeudalism. Perhaps the most significant part of the Ukrainian conflict are the economic/financial sanctions ostensibly to punish Russia, but actually intended to collapse the global political economy, a big topic beyond the scope of this article. Suffice it to say that neither Russia nor China has significant force projection capabilities and that China's supposed economic might is firmly rooted in the Western designed and maintained global financial and communication system upon which China is dependent. Look for secondary sanctions in which China is penalized for supporting Russia. What most folks don't seem to realize is that in a globalized world how little real independence there is and how difficult it is to break free from this globalized matrix of control. Make no mistake, it is Russia which is under attack soon to be followed by China, all of this propagandistically misrepresented by the Western media.

Final comment: I don't think that it is possible to fully grasp the insanity of the current situation without being aware of the war mongering ideology of the neocon cabal who appear to be guiding imperial policy at the moment and are using the Project for a New American Century as a de facto policy guide. Neocon war monger Victoria Nuland was the US Under Secretary of State during the 2014 Ukraine coup and was most responsible for its implementation. Hillary Clinton's defeat in 2016 interrupted the neocon game plan for Ukraine, however, with Biden's election, Victoria Nuland has returned to the State Department and the anti-Russian aggression and provocation dramatically increased. This led to the Russian special military operation which preempted the planned NATO assault on the Donbass utilizing Ukrainian troops. This planned assault would have forced Russia to respond in any event, which was the intent in order to cancel Nordstream 2 and to implement global sanctions which are designed to collapse the global economy as part of the World Economic Forum's "Great Reset." This whole Global War 1 scenario is reckless in the extreme. Yet, reckless and irrational (not to mention immoral) war mongering is the trademark of the neocon ideology which considers compromise and diplomacy as signs of weakness. Below is a quote from notorious neocon Richard Perle which succinctly captures the essence of the neocon philosophy which is now guiding imperial policy. As you read, please note the irrationality and intrinsic recklessness of this fundamentalist ideology which sees war as the answer to all of our problems and which downplays the possibility of blundering into nuclear war. 

"If we just let our vision of the world go forth, and we embrace it entirely, and don't try to piece together clever diplomacy but just wage a total war, out children will sing great songs about us years from now." (Richard Perle)


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