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Saturday, August 26, 2023

Gore-y BS


“If we get to true net zero, astonishingly, global temperatures will stop going up with a lag time of as little as three to five years. They used to think that positive feedback loops would keep that process going. No, it will not! The temperatures will stop going up. The ice will continue melting and some other things will continue, but we can stop the increase of temperatures. Even better, if we stay at true net zero in as little as 30 years, half of all the human caused CO2 will come out of the atmosphere into the upper ocean and the trees and vegetation.” (Al Gore)

The above comment was made at a recent TED talk in anticipation of the upcoming COP28, 11/30/23 - 12/12/23. According to Gore, "We have everything we need and proven deployment models to reduce emissions 50% by 2030. It will require (1) more solar and wind (2) more regenerative agriculture (3) more EVs (4) more charging stations (5) more energy storage (6) more green hydrogen (7) and more electrolyzers to produce it."

In my last two essays, I highlighted the irrational denial of global warming by many of those who are resisting the global restructuring of society and by those who have something to gain by their denial and/or are expressing a form of ideological solidarity with their reference group. In this essay, I am highlighting the other major group which while acknowledging the reality of global warming are greatly misrepresenting what can be done in order to push an agenda which will have little effect on actual global warming but will restructure society in such a way as to benefit the global elites. We have entered a period where ideology and opportunism shape the discourse.

Notice, please, that Gore has 7 solutions which he claims will enable us to halt and reverse the consequences of the massive and rapid increase in greenhouse gases caused by the burning of fossil fuels upon which our society is totally dependent. In the article by Robert Hunziker which I am quoting from, he notes that when these COP meetings began in 1995, the annual CO2 emissions were 21 gigatons and, despite pledges to reduce emissions, have increased every year and now are 36 gigatons per year. In short, the notion that we can get to true net zero carbon emissions anytime soon is absurd. No doubt Gore has studies which rely upon accounting gimmickry to say we can. If you have sufficient funding, you can always find "experts" to say what you want to hear. In the real world,however, it is not going to happen. Not even close.

When Gore talks about how rapidly global warming can be stopped and CO2 removed from the atmosphere, one can only wonder if he actually believes this. He references a non-per reviewed one page summary by a sycophant professor (the deniers have their "experts" too) which Gore misrepresents in any event. In my "Gloom and Doom" essay, I reviewed the natural rate of CO2 reduction during the previous cycles and determined that the current CO2 level would require 34,000 years to return to preindustrial levels if Mother Nature was consistent and actual glacier analysis was our guide (see http://www.co2 ). To propose that the natural environment will remove CO2 500 times faster than anytime during the past 800,000 years (half in 30 years) is an insult to the intelligence. And to suggest that the current level of CO2 of 420 ppm will not cause additional warming is totally irrational. Unless, of course, it is but a rational pretext to achieve certain objectives in regards to the elite agenda. 

So there you have it. The two primary camps and their followers. One denying the obvious reality of extreme global climate disruption, the other minimizing the consequences of climate disruption already baked in, along with wildly exaggerating the prospects for change in order to promote the elite agenda. Both are misrepresenting reality consistent with their group agenda. Both, in their own way, are part of the problem. So, yes, resist the elite agenda as best you can realizing that the global system cannot be meaningfully changed through populist activism. Instead, extricate yourself from the system as best you can. And keep in mind that we are entering a period of runaway global warming which will have major consequences, some of which will be catastrophic leading to chaos and social disintegration. And perhaps nuclear war which seems increasingly likely. This possibility is in no small measure a consequence of the U.S. development of the atomic bomb as an instrument of imperial domination and control. Think about that if you go to see the movie "Oppenheimer."


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