Keith's NO EMPIRE Blog

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Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Bye, Bye Bobby


It is jarring to see Robert F. Kennedy, Jr's stunning display of duplicity as a Presidential candidate. Someone who previously criticized American foreign militarism and correctly identified the neocons as driving America's murderous and destructive Ukraine policy now wholeheartedly supports neocon formulated Middle East policy which involves terrorist destabilization of Syria and Iran. Kennedy's justification for this is to regurgitate shop worn  Zionist talking points regarding Israel's Arab enemies. He even refers to Israel as America's Middle East unsinkable aircraft carrier failing to note that in the 1967 six day war the "aircraft carrier" attacked the USS Liberty electronic monitoring ship killing U.S. sailors and almost sinking the ship. The intentional nature of the attack was covered up and a bogus "fog of war" excuse put forth to protect our "ally" Israel. Without Israel, Kennedy claims, China could take over the Middle East. Furthermore, he now claims that Iran controls Venezuela and Hezbollah is in Venezuela, thereby joining the official imperial demonization of both Venezuela and Hezbollah. His campaign manager is his daughter-in-law who happens to be a former CIA covert operative. I can't say that Kennedy has betrayed his principles because that would imply that he has principles to betray. Under his do-gooder image, he is an imperialist to the very marrow of his bones and will always act accordingly. I can say,however, that he has betrayed Children's Health Defense with his ill conceived Presidential bid.


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