Keith's NO EMPIRE Blog

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Thursday, November 28, 2024

Zionist Empire


 “I come before you not only as the United States Secretary of State, but also as a Jew.” (US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Tel Aviv, 10/07/2023)

The comment of US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is a departure from past Jewish tendency to downplay Jewish power, and is a direct consequence of the unprecedented success of Zionism in promoting Ashkenazi Jews into increasingly powerful positions within the imperial elite. A significant point is that Askenazi power and influence within the empire is sufficiently entrenched and secure that these Zionists are no longer concerned with hiding their dominant role within the imperial elite. While there are non-Jewish Zionists, and not all Jews are either Zionists nor Askenazi, the Ashkenazi Jews were the driving force behind Zionism and are the driving force behind ongoing Zionist power-seeking. What needs to be understood is that Zionism is an ideological construct which has replaced Judaism as the tribal unifier of most Jews, and which divides the world into Jews versus non-Jews in which Jewish (Ashkenazi) power is seen as the only defense against inevitable anti-semitism. It is akin to a secular religion with a belief system which significantly ignores empirical reality. In many ways it is a throwback to pre-enlightenment religious beliefs, albeit in secular form. This favoring of ideological dogma over rationality has consequences for imperial policy and actions.

Currently, the Democratic Party is more-or-less controlled by Ashkenazi Zionists who permeate the Biden administration. These warmongering neocons are determined to continue the dismantling of the Russian Federation initiated under the Clinton administration. It began with the destruction of the former Yugoslavia, the financial conquest of Eastern Europe, and the eastward expansion of NATO. Many misinterpret the overwhelming US government support for Zionism and Israel as an indication of a super powerful Israel lobby. It goes much deeper than that. Antony Blinken isn't part of an Israeli lobby per se. Neither is Victoria Nuland nor Elliott Abrams. The entire governmental apparatus along with much of media and finance are permeated with Ashkenazi Zionists and with Zionist ideology. An ideology where rationality has been shunted aside in favor of self-serving ideological certitude. A hyper-aggressive war mongering ideology which extols bold action and demeans caution and prudent restraint. An ideology concisely expressed by notorious neocon Richard Perle: "If we just let our vision of the world go forth, and we embrace it entirely, and don't try to piece together clever diplomacy but just wage a total war, our children will sing great songs about us years from now." 

The neocons have been at the forefront of the US takeover of Ukraine in the 2014 coup which brought anti-Russian neo-Nazis into the Ukrainian power structure. The US immediately began military aid and direct support as the Ukrainian army began attacking the Russian speaking eastern provinces killing over 14,000 Russian speaking Ukrainians and provoking Russia's 2022 invasion of Ukraine. Since then, US/NATO has provided Ukraine with massive support using Ukraine as a US/NATO proxy to attack Russia. During President Trump's first term, he was vilified as "Putin's puppet" for even suggesting a negotiated end to the conflict. The Zionist neocon goal is to dismantle the Russian Federation as part of their plan for imperial/Zionist hegemony as detailed by the "Project for a New American Century" authors, of which Victoria Nuland's husband Robert Kagan was one. With the election of former President Trump, the Biden administration Zionist neocons appear to be rapidly and recklessly escalating an already dangerous situation in order to provoke an all out war with Russia prior to Trump's inauguration. So great is the Zionist control of global decision making that the heads of the major western governments (Britain, France, Germany, Canada) and NATO seem to be going along with this insanity. Between now and Trump's inauguration, humanity is facing its greatest existential threat in all of history. Even if we survive until then, Trump is hardly a peacemaker, particularly in regards to the Middle East. At least he is not a completely insane warmonger like the Democrats have become.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent article - should be required reading for all Democrats

11:31 AM  

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