COVID-19: The Orchestrated End of an Era
It would appear that the inevitable collapse of our fossil fuel driven economy has been intentionally initiated by means of a coronavirus pandemic. Circumstances strongly suggest that this novel virus was probably developed in a bio-warfare laboratory and will be used to collapse our current system as part of a planned transition to a form of neo-feudalism. Since the draconian response to this "novel" virus will probably result in an economic collapse sinking significant sectors of our current energy intensive economy, it would appear that only certain sectors of the elites are involved: those which perceive that they will benefit from the restructuring. Unsustainable energy intensive productive capitalism of things is being replaced by a form of neo-feudalism based upon complete financial control involving debt obligations.
Of course my assertion that the current pandemic is intentional can only be inferred, not proved. It is conceivable that this novel virus sprang up in a market in Wuhan, China as claimed, a country with which we are engaged in a form of hybrid warfare. Interestingly, the Gates Foundation, the WHO and the European Commission are benefactors of the Pirbright Institute which owns the bio-safety lab-level 4 lab (BSL-4) in China which owns the coronavirus patent and is located 20 miles from where the coronavirus is said to have originated. And the timing? Both Russia and China are attempting to de-dollarize as well as create alternatives to the US controlled SWIFT financial information system. In a few years both will likely free themselves from the US controlled global financial system at which point there could be total chaos from an unplanned collapse of the global system. We are currently at the end of a window of opportunity for sectors of the Western elites to significantly influence the outcome of a controlled collapse. Both China and Iran have essentially accused the US of instigating the COVID-19 pandemic. I tend to agree. Too much opportunity, too much coincidence.
One apparent objective of this current global economic stoppage is to recreate the financial environment of the 1997 Asian financial crisis on a global scale. Back then, many sound Asian businesses were forced into temporary financial insolvency through the financial gamesmanship of currency speculators and were forced to sell to foreign capital at pennies on the dollar. A similar situation will soon exist on a global scale as businesses are forced to close indefinitely to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. How long can these businesses go without adequate revenue to meet their debt obligations? Our debt based financial system is extremely corrupt and has come to rely primarily upon financial gamesmanship to generate profits for the financiers. We are at the end of the energy intensive hydrocarbon era and many businesses will fail in any event, however, what sort of economic activity will be a viable replacement will now be determined by the financiers and Wall Street and will tend toward a form of neo-feudalism and debt peonage. Currently, the banks and financiers hold the mortgage on the global economy. Soon, they will own the majority of productive assets outright.
This orchestrated pandemic facilitates a further restriction on the individual freedom of the 99% along with the further militarization of our society. The customs and border protection agents have been granted the extraordinary power to detain indefinitely those suspected of being infected with the COVID-19 virus. This is an entirely arbitrary decision with no proof required. Retail businesses across the country are being shut down to limit contagion, while groups greater than 50 persons are banned. Keeping a 6 foot distance from others is strongly recommended and is being followed by frightened citizens. All of this virtually guaranteed to shut down the economy and increase the already excessive debt overhang. This will make the public even more dependent upon the providers of credit. When will these measures be lifted? Who knows. Perhaps some variant will become permanent to prevent a pandemic recurrence. All of this justified as a response to a retrovirus that the US bio-labs have 5 different strains of and which a pandemic simulation was conducted in 2019 in response to. The US has been involved heavily in bio-weapons research since at least WWII, taking control of Imperial Japan's notorious Unit 731 biological research operation while pardoning the staff for war crimes. Current US biological weapons research is misrepresented as defense against possible terrorist attack, however, I am unaware of any incident of this research providing any positive benefit to the American people, the COVID-19 pandemic stark evidence that prevention is not the priority for this potential weapon of mass economic disruption.
Two related results are the perceived benefit of teleconferencing large gatherings to provide a virtual assembly in lieu of direct contact. What a boon to Microsoft! Additionally, some locations are pushing the use of credit/debit cards instead of cash to prevent contamination from infected currency. Yet another boon for the software people/bankers as well as providing impetus for a cashless society long a desire of the financial sector as it would provide real time control of a person's finances along with a transaction record. Using the banks as an intermediary controlling personal spending is equivalent to a financial dictatorship where the financial system exercises complete control over the availability of funds and can deny transactions arbitrarily. I recently had my credit denied because the US Bank fraud prevention unit thought my use of my credit card out of state was suspicious. My large available credit along with significant other financial resources made no difference, I became instantly broke. Currency provides for both some buffer and anonymity. And what a coincidence it is that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation strongly promotes a cashless society, GMOs, and was a sponsor both of the 2019 coronavirus pandemic simulation as well as involvement with a Wuhan bio-research laboratory? The CIA and US military were also involved in the pandemic simulation. More coincidence?
While the seriousness of the COVID-19 virus is real enough, it seems strange to me that so many people are testing positive for the COVID-19 virus, yet exhibit no symptoms. False positives from faulty tests? A way to inflate the numbers? Yet, they undergo quarantine. To make a bad situation appear even worse? Is this the new Red Menace? Invisible evil lurking everywhere, we are told, which requires authoritarian measures to combat and keep us safe? Draconian measures inimical to a free society represented as necessary precautions? And the response to COVID-19 seems wildly out of proportion compared to similar historical precedents. Much of the Western World in lockdown? Really? Indeed, never ending pandemics of mutated retroviruses may be part and parcel of neofeudal social control and population reduction. And while population reduction seems desirable to me, I would prefer other means to achieve this result. And maximizing local autonomy is far superior for the 99% than elite driven neoliberalism leading to forced neo-feudalism. But since the elites rule, the 99% will apparently suffer what they must.
What seems to me to be little understood is that the era of energy intensive industrial capitalism is at an end. The industrial era which resulted in rapid technological development was underpinned by the availability of abundant, cheap, non-renewable hydrocarbon energy sources. Without abundant and cheap energy, most of the technological development of the past two centuries would not have occurred. Environmental factors necessitate the rapid reduction and elimination of fossil fuel usage yet this has not occurred and is unlikely to occur. The consequences will involve a climate disaster which will be an existential threat to human survival. We appear to have passed the tipping point on climate change and in a few short years will likely experience runaway global warming followed by civilizational collapse. Our present social organization and infrastructure simply cannot handle the massive changes soon to occur. Rather than wait for some external event to trigger the collapse, it appears that sections of the global elite are utilizing this COVID-19 pandemic to initiate a more controlled collapse under their guidance to achieve an outcome favorable to them. The consequences of this collapse of industrial capitalism will far exceed the consequences of the corona virus pandemic and could lead to nuclear war.