Keith's NO EMPIRE Blog

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Wednesday, November 03, 2021



Why is Noam Chomsky aligning himself with the deep state forces behind medical martial law and totalitarian globalization? Lately, Noam has been sounding like an extreme version of a CNN talking head blaming Trump and the Republicans for all of our problems and for being our greatest existential threat (Trump is worse than Hitler, etc). Now he has begun to demonize the unvaxxed who he claims are a threat to the community and who should self quarantine. Failing that, the community will need to protect itself through involuntary separation of these selfish people who deserve no sympathy because they had a choice and brought it on themselves. Internment camps for the unvaxxed, perhaps?

 Frankly, I am angry with Chomsky for basically switching sides to provide de facto propaganda for the pro-vax juggernaut which, among other things, has actively suppressed safe, highly effective and inexpensive outpatient therapy by qualified doctors using off-label, approved for humans drugs such as Ivermectin. Large scale clinical data suggests this outpatient therapy is up to 85% effective in reducing ICU hospitalization and death from COVID-19. Literally hundreds of thousands of people have needlessly died (been murdered?) so that these mRNA gene therapies mislabeled "vaccines" could be promoted and now mandated. "Vaccines", I might add, which so far have far greater adverse reactions, including death, than all other vaccines combined for the last 20 years. And now Chomsky has the audacity to demonize the unvaccinated as a threat to the community? Chomsky has chosen to de facto support the pandemic restructuring now underway and, therefore,  has blood on his hands. 

Then there are the consequences of the pandemic justified medical martial law and lockdowns which have served to eviscerate American small and independent businesses while literally causing millions of Americans to lose their jobs (and health insurance) and fall into poverty. The resulting homelessness, food insecurity and other harsh conditions of poverty are destroying the lives of millions of children. Chomsky is unaware that poverty is bad for the health? Perhaps he should review the situation in Yeltsin's Russia where "shock therapy" destruction of the existing Soviet economy decimated the lives of the average Russian causing deaths to skyrocket and life expectancy to plunge. Something similar is starting to occur here and is being blamed on the virus rather than on deliberate policy. This, even as fat-cat wealth explodes upwards with the six richest Americans collectively now worth over $1 trillion. Money for the rich and debt for the rapidly expanding poor and diminishing middle class. Money-power which will be used to lock-in totalitarian neofeudalism.

An integral part of this new totalitarianism is the use of vaccine mandates and vaccine passes to form the basis of a comprehensive surveillance system to track movements and restrict access. This can also be used to surveil and restrict financial transactions. Also, in the near future these genetic engineering "vaccines" will be programmable to alter a person's bodily functions to influence their moods and actions. This is why DARPA (and BARDA) are involved in the development and potential weaponization of these biologic agents. Dr. James Giordano of DARPA reveals this weaponization potential in a talk at West Point titled "The Brain is the Battlefield of the Future." Genetic engineering and genetic modification appear to be an integral part of the all-encompassing system of social control being forced upon us. Notice, also, the extent to which Mother Nature is seen as an entity to controlled and altered rather than respected and protected, "green" rhetoric notwithstanding. This misuse of genetic engineering presents yet another existential threat to human survival. Yet, Chomsky demonizes those who resist this totalitarian takeover as a threat to the community!

Current events cannot be understood without understanding that the current era of cheap and plentiful energy is at an end, some form of restructuring inevitable. That which we call the Industrial Revolution could also be described as the Fossil Fuel Revolution insofar as the Industrial Revolution would not have been possible without cheap and plentiful fossil fuels.  All (or almost all) of this technological progress would not have occurred without plentiful coal and oil. Wrap your head around that. Furthermore, the energy wasteful infrastructure which evolved is unsustainable without cheap and abundant energy which is now gone for good. The notion that renewable energy can replace fossil fuels at current consumption levels is a pipe dream. And the use of nuclear power (a Gates project) is so fraught with insurmountable existential danger as to be resisted at all costs. Add in the consequences of a collapse of our increasingly non-viable financial system. A restructuring is inevitable. 

The COVID-19 pandemic is a manufactured psyops intended to justify the controlled demolition of our current economy of unsustainable consumer capitalism to be replaced by some form of totalitarian neofeudalism where debt service replaces consumption and the oligarchs and corporations rule by the divine right of capital. The system being implemented advances centralized control of global interdependencies. Totalitarian social control is probably a defense against the likely chaos which will accompany the consequences of the  climate catastrophe rapidly approaching. The changes being implemented are not intended to prevent this looming climate catastrophe, a virtual impossibility at this point in time, but to protect the elite from the consequences of the climate crisis which they are responsible for creating. While global restructuring is inevitable, the model currently being implemented will result in a corporate/oligarchic controlled dystopia.

The irrationality of Chomsky's recent pronouncements is breathtaking. And this is being said by the once-upon-a-time icon of objective rationality and insightful analysis. His recent statements are both mean-spirited and absurd and will likely taint his earlier work. I cringe at the thought of quoting him now. What happened? I am not going to speculate with so little information. However, there is something going on here which needs to be understood. We have entered a transition period where intellectuals "spin" reality to their own advantage, whatever they perceive that to be. And if they perceive the "Great Reset" as a wonderful opportunity for those who advance elite interests? Chomsky is not alone. Virtually the entire professional "Left" has jumped on the COVID/Great Reset bandwagon as the totalitarian Left competes with the authoritarian Right for fat-cat patronage.