Keith's NO EMPIRE Blog

A radical dissident perspective on various topics. Comments welcome at

Monday, March 14, 2022

Imperial Ukraine Propaganda

 Imperial propaganda/narratives concerning the Ukraine seek to influence citizen beliefs and manufacture consent for imperial policies. As such, they touch on the very essence of social control, an extremely rich topic which is difficult to discuss in no small measure because social mythology has significantly succeeded in hiding the real world levers of power from the vast majority of the citizenry. They cling to the illusion that we are a democracy implementing essentially good (or at least well-meaning) policies both foreign and domestic. Empirical reality is virtually inconceivable to most who take comfort in lies and deceptions which they need to be aware of in any event so that they can go along to get along. Once you fully comprehend that we are part of a vicious and brutal empire run by elites for the benefit of the elites, things appear quite different.

In 2014 the American led transnational empire instigated a coup in Ukraine as part of its ongoing aggression against Russia for geostrategic reasons. Ukraine became a vassal state of empire, its policies imperial formulated policies, and its military imperial proxy forces (now armed and trained by imperial US/NATO). Britain and Israel are involved as well. Make no mistake, the success of the coup depended significantly on the violence and terrorism of US supported neo-Nazis. This use of terrorists to drive regime change has become commonplace for the U.S. Because of the Trump electoral victory in 2016, plans were altered slightly with the empire content to train and build up the Ukrainian (Imperial proxy) military, along with constant shelling of the Russian speaking people in the Donbass breakaway provinces. All in violation of the Minsk agreements. And we can say with high certainty that the imperial elites are not concerned with the well-being of the Ukrainian people except insofar as it impacts elite objectives. They are pawns on a grand chessboard to be sacrificed as required.

With the victory of the Democrats in 2020 and the return of super war hawk Victoria Nuland, the Ukrainian Imperial proxy forces increased their bombardment of the Donbass making some sort of Russian reaction practically inevitable. Russia's two primary goals are the demilitarization of Ukraine (which I think they will achieve) and the de-Nazification of Ukraine which, at this stage of the game, is unrealistic. It should be noted that the global empire of which we are a part is now in the process of implementing a form of global totalitarianism, support for neo-Nazis entirely consistent with imperial policies and operating procedures. And who does propaganda and mind control better than the Western "Democracies?"

Why now? The American Empire has already achieved two geostrategic victories from their proxy war. First, they stopped the Nord Stream 2 pipeline (a key short term objective) and they have driven a wedge between future Russian-European trade, cooperation, alliances, etc. (an overarching strategic objective). Perhaps the biggest victory for empire was to use the Ukraine "invasion" (I prefer incursion) as a pretext for increased anti-Russian sanctions which if they involve the SWIFT bank clearing system have the potential to collapse the global economy, a necessary condition for imperial desired global restructuring to occur. The process was begun with the COVID-19 global lockdown and this is a continuation of that process.The global political economy needs to be restructured and whoever controls this restructuring will be in a strong position to influence/determine power relations in the new era. And what is occurring is being hidden in plain sight by massive propaganda in an increasingly totalitarian global system.

Wednesday, March 02, 2022

Ukraine in Perspective


Where to begin? Perhaps a good starting point would be World War II during which Nazi Germany, with the help of Nazi sympathizers in the Ukraine and other Eastern European countries, killed between 20 million and 30 million citizens of the former Soviet Union, of which about half were civilians. These were not merely unavoidable casualties of war, rather, many were specifically murdered because they were Slavs who the Nazis and their sympathizers considered inferior people. Russian slavs were killed because they were Russian Slavs. 

At the end of World War II, the U.S. recruited German General Reinhard Gehlen to lead efforts to destabilize the Eastern European nations then under Soviet control. Gehlen had been in charge of military  "intelligence" (with all that implies) on the Eastern Front for Nazi Germany. He had recruited numerous pro-Nazi organizations to perform terror and sabotage missions against our then allies. After the war, he continued these operations against our former allies now enemies of the Western led empire. The ultimate goal then and now was the breakup of the Soviet Union into as many small and weak states as possible in order to assure Western (primarily U.S.) dominance over Eastern Europe. Gehlen later became the first head of the German BND (German CIA) where its policies reflected a strong anti-Russian pro-neoNazi outlook.

Perhaps the next significant event was the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, an event that was to a significant degree facilitated by the West. Boris Yeltsin was elected Russian President.  In 1993, he had the Russian military attack the Russian parliament which he had illegally dissolved when they resisted his restructuring agenda. He then created a new constitution which increased Presidential power dramatically. Yeltsin, effectively a U.S. satrap,  relied upon the advice of Jeffrey Sachs and his Harvard team of economic advisors. "Shock Therapy" was instituted whereby the Russian productive economy was privatized, essentially sold off on pennies on the dollar to foreign investors and future local oligarchs using borrowed money. The net result of all of this was a significant collapse of the productive Russian economy along with the immiseration of much of the people side by side with the creation of super wealthy oligarchs. Health and life expectancy plummeted. "Low birth rates and abnormally high death rates caused Russia's population to decline at a 0.5% annual rate, or about 750,000 to 800,000 people per year from the mid-1990s to the mid-2000s." (Wikipedia)  The Soviet Union had been dissolved and Russia had been reduced to a U.S. vassal state, a stark indication of the empire's real intent for the people of the former Soviet Union. 

A  weak and subservient Russia under Yeltsin was welcomed by empire which initiated a period of unipolar regime changes. Rather than disband NATO, the U.S. used NATO as an out of area imperial strike force to attack and dismember Yugoslavia, after which NATO expanded eastward as imperial color revolutions established comprador regimes in Eastern Europe. Putin came to power and eliminated some of the more destructive oligarchs who fled West with their ill-gotten gains. The reinvigoration of Russia as an independent nation with an economy not subservient to Western corporate interests was met with hostility in the West. NATO military bases now surround Russia in close proximity and Russian President Putin has been demonized to an extraordinary extent as the West seeks to weaken and, if possible, dismember Russia, or at least force a regime change. 

This anti-Russian aggression increased dramatically with the 2014 U.S. fomented coup in the former Soviet republic of Ukraine. Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland was instrumental in these efforts which resulted in a U.S. hand picked government in the Ukraine. The coup was greatly facilitated by the use of neo-Nazi militias which engaged in violence and terror and were responsible both for the sniper caused deaths in the Euromaidan and for the mass murder  of well over 80 people in Odessa who were protesting the coup. It should be noted  that during imperial regime change the use of mass murder, death squads and terror is standard operating procedure. The two primary consequences of the wave of terror combined with the Odessa massacre was to effectively eliminate resistance to the coup in western Ukraine and to create defensive separatism in eastern Ukraine. The formerly Russian Crimea voted overwhelmingly to rejoin Russia while the Donbass ethnic Russians in Donetsk and Luhansk declared independence from the U.S. installed anti-Russian regime in Kyiv. The empire portrayed the reintegration of the Crimea into Russia as an illegal Russian invasion, a totally ludicrous assertion. The U.S. controlled government of Ukraine launched low level military terror against the breakaway republics in the Donbass. A possible diplomatic solution to the conflict was the Minsk agreements which proposed significant autonomy for the region along with cessation of the Ukrainian military attacks on the breakaway republics. While the comprador Ukrainian leadership signed the agreements, they never implemented them and continued their military assault on the Donbass. Victoria Nuland's militaristic machinations reflected the policy of her boss Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, an extreme war hawk.

During the Trump presidency, the situation worsened slightly with the increased arming and training of the Ukrainian military by U.S./NATO in violation of the Minsk agreements. Under the new Biden administration, the situation escalated significantly as Victoria Nuland returned to the State Department and headed efforts in Eastern Europe. The increased artillery shelling of the Donbass by the now heavily armed and NATO trained neo-Nazi infested Ukrainian military, along with the ongoing rejection of diplomacy by the West made this festering situation untenable and virtually assured some sort of Russian intervention. I strongly suspect that Russian intervention was intentionally provoked for geostrategic reasons. In addition to the long term goal of destroying Russia, the completion of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline was unacceptable to empire. The Russian invasion provides the pretext to shut off the pipeline as well as to implement extreme sanctions including denying Russian access to SWIFT (the current bank financial clearing system), a move virtually guaranteed to cause severe global economic disruption. This would be consistent with the controlled demolition of the current energy intensive global economy to pave the way for the WEF Great Reset to a form of totalitarian neofeudalism. The global pandemic lockdown was phase one, these sanctions will initiate phase two which will be the pretext for implementing even more totalitarian measures. It is a bold (and ruthless) gambit which may result in nuclear war. We are at the end of the hydrocarbon era and the imperial elites are in the process of trying to define the power relations in the new era. Our de facto rulers are basically psychopaths who are obsessed with power.