Keith's NO EMPIRE Blog

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Sunday, August 08, 2021

COVID-19: Connecting the Dots


We live in surreal times. We live in dangerous times. Times when the unthinkable is becoming normalized and the absurd is treated as revealed truth. As I write this (8/8/21), the elite are moving towards compulsory or de facto compulsory "vaccination" with an experimental gene altering concoction mislabeled a "vaccine." This is being done even as the elite run medical establishment continues to suppress highly effective means of prevention and treatment reliably estimated to reduce hospitalization and death by up to 85%. Please note that all of these experimental "vaccines" approved for "emergency use" are genetic engineering concoctions, there is no traditional vaccine among them. Also note that there has never been a successful gene altering "vaccine" tested and brought to market. Further note that claims of "emergency use" can at best be applied only to people over 65 with comorbidities. In fact, for children and youth, the incidence of fatality is very low and injecting them with an experimental genetic engineering concoction is medical malfeasance and in a sane world would not be permitted. Furthermore, those advocating such a thing would be dealt with harshly. But we are in the midst of restructuring the political economy of which medical martial law and gene altering injections are an integral part, hence, will likely proceed as planned.

We begin our tale in September 11, 2001. Shortly after these terror attacks, a series of anthrax attacks occurred which initially were depicted as terrorist bio-weapons attacks. With these in mind, "The Model State Emergency Health Powers Act" was drafted in December of 2001 which provided the basis for individual State legislation giving State Governors essentially quasi-dictatorial powers to deal with a bio-terror attack or pandemic or other medical "emergency" as defined by the highly corrupt and politicized WHO (World Health Organization). Most US States passed this legislation sometime prior to 2020 where they sat dormant until the WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic. Following this, medical martial law was effectively instituted alongside a massive psy-ops program to terrify the population. This was used to justify the unprecedented shutting down of the economy resulting in the inevitable restructuring of the global political economy and the demand for a "vaccine" to protect the population. Between 2001 and 2020, a series of pandemic simulations were carried out, the last one being Event 201 in October of 2019 involving big business, the government, the military, the medical establishment, the media and the World Economic Forum. During this "simulation" a unified and draconian response to the yet to be declared COVID pandemic was essentially war-gamed. Make no mistake, the pandemic response including lockdown, masks, sheltering in place, and eventually genetic engineering jabs has been in planning for at least 2 decades and involves a massive restructuring of the political economy as we go from consumer capitalism to a form of totalitarian neofeudalism. It should be noted that the anthrax attacks were eventually traced back to the Fort Detrick bio-weapons lab.

Also, beginning in 2002, bio-labs proliferated in the U.S., where hundreds came into being and throughout the world where thousands were created and operated by the institutions of empire. These level 3 and level 4 bio-labs do research involving pathogens frequently involving gain-of-function research to see how animal pathogens would behave if they could infect humans. In other words, these labs breed or genetically manipulate viruses and corona viruses to enable them to be able to infect humans so that they can perform their research. All of this research has a dual use function involving weaponization of these pathogens which enable these labs to semantically circumvent the ban on biological weapons research. The nature of these pathogens is such that they are difficult to contain and leaks are fairly common. The ongoing problems of safety are such that in 2014 President Obama directed a temporary moratorium on gain-of-function research. As a consequence, Dr. Anthony Fauci who was responsible for certain gain-of-function bat corona virus research at the Fort Detrick bio-weapons lab moved these experiments to the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China. This was a joint venture which received funding from DARPA among others. 

Toward the end of 2019, the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus was detected in sick civilians in the city of WUHAN. The specific virus was unique to certain bats used at the WUHAN lab and which also existed naturally in bat caves about 1000 miles from WUHAN. No credible explanation for how this virus could have naturally traveled from those caves to WUHAN has ever been made despite claims of a zoonotic origin. The timing of this "discovery" following Event 201 and just prior to a World Economic Forum meeting in January of 2020 where this was discussed and plans approved by the elites, strongly suggests that the COVID-19 virus was intentionally leaked from the WUHAN lab by an elite asset to serve as a pretext for the global restructuring long planned while simultaneously blaming the government of China for possible malfeasance. 

The timing of the "pandemic" provides the elites with a convenient pretext for the controlled demolition of the no longer viable existing economy and financial system prior to the uncontrolled collapse of our current unsustainable financial system. The approximately 200 year era of cheap and abundant energy is over. There is no going back to the "old normal." This is for control of the planet during the "new normal," whatever that turns out to be. One aspect of the elite agenda being forced upon the population involves mass injection of the population, including healthy children, with an experimental genetic engineering concoction. This involved terrorizing the population in regards to the wildly exaggerated lethality of COVID-19 and to the efficacy of these experimental genetic manipulations mislabeled as vaccines. Initially, the objective seems to be utilizing "vaccination" and "vaccine" passports as a means of surveillance and movement control. Subsequent use of these precedent setting genetic engineering techniques on the general population could involve any number of things, particularly with DARPA involved.Those who resist having these injections are being demonized,  informed consent a thing of the past. Domestic internal anti-terrorism legislation looms which will likely make it possible to designate "anti-vaxxers" (anyone who refuses "vaccination" or speaks against WHO/CDC guidelines) as the equivalent of domestic terrorists to be dealt with harshly. Mark me, constitutional protections are a thing of the past as a terror stricken population allows themselves to be herded into a form of totalitarianism more-or-less unaware of what is happening. What resistance there is usually involves a desire to return to the old normal, an impossibility which is self-defeating.

The unprecedented effort to "vaccinate" the entire world indicates that these genetic engineering "vaccinations" are a critical and integral part of the elite agenda. In the near term, "vaccination," along with "vaccine" passports will be part of public surveillance and control. Eventually, physical passports will no longer be required as "booster" vaccines will likely contain nano-bots which will provide internal accessible identification (how convenient!) which will be interrogated from the new, close together, 5G cell towers. Think I am joking? DARPA already considers the internal human body and brain as the new battle space and continues working to exploit and control this new theater of operations.

In addition to unprecedented mass surveillance, the elites are pushing for a cashless society where all transactions occur electronically (phone, debit/credit card, etc.). Cash, and the anonymity and potential for controllable reserves will be a thing of the past. Transactions will be monitored and can be denied if deemed inappropriate. That is, your ability to spend money will be dependent upon your financial institution allowing it to occur. The extent of the social control being implemented is so vast as to be almost beyond comprehension. Most folks haven't given much thought to what is going on around them and the things I am saying are so far out of their conception of reality that they will be dismissed out of hand. This is, of course, one of the reasons that the elites have been so successful these last 18 months and will likely continue to succeed. For myself, my one area of resistance will be to avoid getting jabbed for as long as I can. In the long run, the elite agenda fails to adequately deal with the looming environmental catastrophe, of which global warming is but a part. The future looks bleak but better to be aware than totally out of touch with reality, overly concerned with the Delta Variant while remaining oblivious to the tent encampments of the homeless sprouting up.