Keith's NO EMPIRE Blog

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Monday, April 27, 2020

COVID-19: End of an Era- Clarification

It is doubtful that most of those power elites responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic restructuring of the global political economy share my view of the underlying reason why we are at the end of the current era of high growth consumerism. One doesn't have to understand the underlying cause of a phenomena to be able to perceive that the economy wasn't growing fast enough to support servicing the debt on our debt-money monetary system. Their more immediate concern was how to deal with our overly fragile financial system which was on the verge of collapse. Too many fat-cats had too much money with no place to invest. Recently, most investments involved purchasing existing assets, not investing in new, unneeded productive assets. U.S. Treasuries are nice, but there were not enough to go around. Well, thanks to the $ 6 trillion pandemic "stimulus" that problem has been solved. And thanks to shutting down the global economy, the US states will have additional expenses along with dramatically reduced tax revenue such that the financiers will effectively own the 50 states. Same with the former workforce which will get some money so they can continue to service their credit card debt for a while. Some sort of guaranteed income seems likely so that the financiers will be guaranteed some sort of revenue stream. The privatization of the public sphere and public services will proceed fast and furious.

One aspect of the COVID-19 pandemic not generally known is that the World Health Organization is yet another public/private partnership whereby substantial funding (and influence) comes from the pharmaceutical industry and pro-vaccination powerhouses like GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization) and the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation which pushes for mandatory global vaccination along with limited liability for the vaccine makers. Gates' goal for ID2020 is to force people to be vaccinated with a vaccine containing electronic markers ideal for surveillance. Basically, the WHO and the CDC (Center for Disease Control) function primarily as industry reps. For example, the Swine Flu pandemic of 2009 resulted in millions of vaccinations of dubious health benefits. There was no lockdown, however, because shutting down and restructuring the economy was not on the elite agenda. And in spite of all of the hype and distortion of reporting, COVID-19 appears to be roughly comparable to a bad flu season as far as fatalities. Not that that won't change if the elites feel the need to release a more lethal strain to achieve their objectives. And please note that cleaning up the air we breathe, the water we drink, and eliminating the poisons we spray on our crops and soil is not on the agenda even though the health benefits would far exceed Medicare for all. And a healthy immune system is the best defense against viruses which are ubiquitous in any event and part of the web of life, not some enemy we are at war with.

Final thoughts. Most folks simply can't conceive of the notion that their worst enemies are the elites who rule over them. In the struggle for power, the 99% are the pawns which the elites utilize to achieve their objectives. The nature of a chess pawn is to be available to sacrifice to advance the game plan. False flag operations are common, manufactured fear a useful tool. This is a deadly serious game being played. My gut feel is that most elites are at least somewhat oblivious to the extremely rapid environmental catastrophe unfolding, yet some are aware. How all of this will play out when we enter runaway global warming in a few years and the global agricultural system begins to collapse, I can't foresee. The totalitarian neofeudal society being constructed will facilitate elite control in the massive chaos soon to come. In "Hegemony or Survival," Noam Chomsky notes that the average life expectancy of a species is about 100,000 years. Indications are that humanity's time may be up. Regrettably, we are poised to take the rest of the planet with us.