Neil Young and the New Inquisition (rev 2/3/22)
On the surface, it seems curious that Neil Young would force Spotify to choose between his music and the Joe Rogan experience because of vaccine "fake information", in effect, a defense of the safety and efficacy of these emergency use and under tested mRNA "vaccines." Curious because these mRNA (and DNA) concoctions are a form of genetic engineering which manipulate some of the body's cells to produce the Wuhan spike protein. And since Young has famously come out against GMO crops, it seems strange (and hypocritical) that he would be in favor of GMO humans. Yet, that is exactly what he has done, perhaps unwittingly, but whose fault is that?
To understand what is going on, we need to be mindful of the fact that Young is a rich and successful rock star solidly ensconced in the entertainment wing of the 1%. He recently sold 50% of his music catalog for a reported $150 million and needed the cooperation of his corporate friends to make good his threat. This isn't the first time he has lent support for imperial designs, speaking in favor of the U.S. Patriot Act when it was passed in 2001. Young says that he first learned about these "dangerous life-threatening COVID falsehoods" in the open letter to Spotify signed by 200 plus doctors. He is referring to a letter written about two weeks prior which can best be described as an over the top propaganda screed designed to intimidate Spotify to censor Joe Rogan primarily due to a couple of episodes where Rogan interviewed highly qualified health professionals Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Robert Malone who had dissenting views regarding the official COVID narrative. The letter zeroed in on Dr. Malone and his "misinformation." The links provided essentially consisted of representatives of the official narrative claiming Dr. Malone was wrong because he differed from the official narrative which was assumed to be correct and infallible. In other words, only the official narrative was acceptable, all dissenting opinion and factual interpretation was deemed dangerous and harmful disinformation. The letter plus Young's pulling his music off Spotify (soon followed by other corporate rock icons) sent a clear message to Spotify and others that when it comes to COVID, any deviation from the official narrative will have significant adverse consequences. Are we entering an era of official narrative inerrancy? A new Dark Age?
There is no indication that Young contacted either Joe Rogan or Dr. Malone or made any attempt to evaluate the official narrative or the specific charges in the open letter. As someone who dismissed GMO safety studies by Monsanto scientists, Young should have been aware that the pharmaceutical companies and their regulatory colleagues, along with financially beholden academic institutions would have no difficulty whatever finding 200 plus doctors to sign a letter written to squelch dissent from official health policies. Policies which advance the COVID narrative and agenda. The letter itself is highly inflammatory and designed to intimidate. It also reinforces some real misinformation. A particularly offensive example is that "unvaccinated 12-34 year olds are 12 times more likely to be hospitalized with COVID than those who are fully vaccinated." Putting aside the statistical chicanery concerning fully vaccinated versus unvaccinated, the reality is that young people are a very small percent of COVID deaths, not in any way constituting a "pandemic" justifying emergency use authorized injections of not fully tested, non-traditional mRNA "vaccines." In extending emergency use authorization for young children, the medical establishment is engaged in medical malfeasance. Yet, getting everyone including children injected with a genetic engineering concoction (mRNA) appears critically important to the elite agenda. At this stage of the game it should be apparent that the use of genetic engineering to manipulate the subject population (citizenry) is part of the elite agenda, part of the new normal.
What has occurred is an extreme example of what Chomsky and Herman described as "flack." This is the process whereby those who offend powerful interests can expect a strong reaction: public condemnation, economic reprisals, etc. This situation seems to me to go beyond that. The viciousness of both the doctors' letter and Neil Young's letter based on nothing more than this particular highly qualified individual disagreeing with the official narrative seems more like a condemnation of heresy based upon straying from official dogma. This seems to me more like something from the Inquisition in which heresy is sought out and punished swiftly and severely. The intent being to terrify potential targets into watching what they say and do and self-censor their speech and behavior accordingly. Both the doctor's letter and Young's letter are almost apocalyptic in nature asserting that the content of Rogan's show was dangerous and a threat to society's health and well-being. This, in spite of the fact that the preponderance of the media parrot the official narrative exclusively. I personally doubt that the Joe Rogan experience has had much effect countering the "vaccination"/restructuring juggernaut. But the message is clear: get with the program or suffer swift retribution.
The immediate response to all of this is that Joe Rogan has apologized to Neil Young and promised to have mainstream "experts" to rebut any "fringe" COVID opinions, and to do better research himself on these topics. Referring to highly qualified health professionals like Dr. McCullough and Dr. Malone as having "fringe" opinions tells you that the assault on Rogan was successful. It will be so much less hassle to simply avoid the topic of official COVID lies and the consequences of lockdown and restructuring. Other alternative media sources will also pay heed. As for fat-cat folk-rocker Neil Young, I find it interesting that he and some of his rock and roll hall of fame friends chose to vilify Joe Rogan even as they ignore the Canadian trucker protest against mandatory vaccination. Of course, now that they are firmly established one percenters, they tend to see things differently from when they were starting out. Pissed at Joe Rogan but unconcerned about the lingering consequences of the lockdown and other COVID policies resulting in the massive loss of jobs and impoverishment of the bottom 50% of the population? And while there are ubiquitous homeless tent encampments throughout Seattle where I live, I doubt there are many in the gated communities where these musical elites live.