Keith's NO EMPIRE Blog

A radical dissident perspective on various topics. Comments welcome at

Friday, April 29, 2022

Global War, NATO and the Ukrainian Narrative


"It never happened. Nothing ever happened. Even while it was happening it wasn’t happening. It didn’t matter. It was of no interest. The crimes of the United States have been systematic, constant, vicious, remorseless, but very few people have actually talked about them. You have to hand it to America. It has exercised a quite clinical manipulation of power worldwide while masquerading as a force for universal good. It’s a brilliant, even witty, highly successful act of hypnosis." (Harold Pinter) 

Shortly after World War II, the NATO military alliance was formed ostensibly as a defence against the military threat posed by the USSR. The alliance was basically the Western European nations (including the UK) plus Canada and the US. At the time, US planners were aware that the USSR had been devastated by the World War, suffering well over 20 million war deaths and massive economic destruction and, therefore, was incapable of attacking Western Europe and would remain so for decades. The real reason for NATO was to put the Western European militaries under effective US control as well as establishing an organizational basis for US involvement in the European political economy. Also to provide a justification for the ongoing US troop occupation of West Germany. The primary "threat" NATO faced was the potential political success of Leftist parties throughout Europe which posed a threat to US imperial plans. Six years later, Russia, along with the Eastern European countries formed the Warsaw Pact which functioned much like a Russian NATO. Arguably, the Warsaw pact did face a form of military threat insofar as the US/NATO utilized recruited Nazis such as Reinhard Gehlen to reactivate World War II Nazi sabotage networks throughout Eastern Europe in an attempt to weaken and destroy the USSR/Russia. 

When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991 (with US assistance), the US provided "assistance" in "helping" Russia, the former Soviet Republics and Eastern European countries transition to capitalism. Under US supported Boris Yeltsin, Jeffrey Sachs and his Harvard colleagues implemented economic "shock therapy" to utterly destroy the old system to pave the way for implementation of a form of Third World capitalism involving the creation of corrupt oligarchs, massive looting of state assets, Western corporate control of much of the economy all leading to the immiseration of much of the population. Russian life expectancy plunged as the population decreased. Russia was a failed state heading for complete disintegration. Vladimir Putin succeeded Boris Yeltsin as President of Russia and surprised the West by re-nationalizing Russia's oil and gas industry and by getting rid of a few of the worst oligarchs. He was able to stanch Russia's slide into disaster and thus interfering with the empire's game plan consequently making him the West's number one enemy to be vilified at every opportunity. The Russian economy has mostly recovered over the last 20 years and is now mid-size, a little over half that of France. Russia's military has also rebounded and is surprisingly potent considering the relatively small economic support base, however, their military has limited global force projection.

The collapse of the Soviet Union along with the dismemberment of the Warsaw Pact ostensibly provided an opportunity for a demilitarization of the West as well since the pretext for NATO's existence no longer existed. However, since NATO was/is an integral part of US imperial power, the collapse of the USSR was seen as an opportunity to expand NATO and empire. President Clinton redefined NATO's mission by utilizing NATO as an imperial out of area strike force in the attack and dismemberment of the no longer useful Yugoslavia. Also, the "color revolution" form of hybrid warfare was used to impose Western oriented regimes on the Eastern European nations formerly allied with the USSR. This was followed by economic restructuring involving IMF debt and conditionalities. In essence, these nations were first destabilized then absorbed by empire, their economies shackled by debt and their political independence restricted by financial obligations and global trade agreements and treaties. They were then encouraged to join NATO which they did as NATO expanded eastward in violation of previous commitments. Imperial control and advanced weaponry thus moved towards Russia via the subjugation of former Warsaw Pack nations by means other than traditional military conquest. The notion that NATO is a defensive military alliance is preposterous. NATO is an imperial military strike force augmenting and under the control of the American military. The subjugation of Eastern Europe followed by the expansion of NATO represents the first stage of Global War I (World War III), Empire's aggressive and militaristic plan to eliminate potential rivals for imperial global hegemony.

Phase 2 of Global War 1 was the overthrow of the elected President of the Ukraine and replacing him with an imperial satrap. Toward the end of 2013, President Viktor Yanukovych needed to secure financing for his (predictably) corruption ridden economy (the inevitable consequence of the oligarchic capitalism instituted by the West). The IMF was prepared to provide $18 billion conditioned on severe austerity. Russia offered $15 billion with few strings attached. President Yanukovych chose the Russian loan forgetting, perhaps, that Ukraine was a vassal state and that his otherwise logical decision was not acceptable to empire. The Maidan US orchestrated insurrection soon followed and Yanukovych was deposed and replaced by US Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland's personal choice of Arseniy Yatsenyuk as Prime Minister with Petro Poroshenko as President. With this overthrow of the elected government, the Ukraine went from being a vassal state with limited wiggle room to being a flat out satrapy controlled by empire. Although not a NATO member, NATO was brought in enmass to arm and train the Ukrainian military, with special attention given to the Russophobic neo-Nazi militias which were incorporated into the military while neo-Nazis and other far right nationalist extremists where integrated into the government even as moderates and Russian friendly officials were eliminated from the government. The military training included special ops forces from from the US and UK to teach sabotage, etc. The CIA established what appears to be a Phoenix type assassination and intimidation program. Numerous journalists and opposition leaders have been disappeared and/or tortured.

In 2019, Volodymyr Zelensky won the Ukrainian elections promising to bring peace to the Donbass region through negotiations. Once in office, however, the US supported far right and neo-Nazis called negotiations treasonous and threatened assassination of those who negotiated. Whether or not Zelensky was sincere at the time is a moot point as his position is now firmly opposed to any negotiations or any surrender of defeated Ukrainian forces. In short, Zelensky now completely supports the US/NATO provoked war against Russia. NATO continues to provide logistics, intelligence, mercenary fighters and high level leadership for the Ukrainian forces. The notion that the Ukraine was/is an independent state which has been attacked by an unprovoked , expansionist Russia is ludicrous. Yet, that is the message of a huge and hugely effective imperial propaganda effort. A propaganda system so effective that most citizens of empire do not comprehend the essential nature of the empire which, like all empires, is militaristic and brutal, consistently utilizing terror and torture, and fostering massive corruption. The Ukrainian conflict is basically US/NATO using the Ukrainians as NATO proxy forces to engage in a war against Russia to achieve imperial geostrategic objectives, one of which is to provide a pretext for sanctions designed to collapse the global economy to facilitate a Great Reset resulting in a totalitarian neofeudal global economy. Timing is critical. The window of opportunity is closing to implement the imperial agenda before Russia and China successfully de-dollarize and de facto establish a multipolar world thereby rendering American hegemony impossible. 

The post World War II history of  US policy seems relatively clear based upon the facts and their obvious conclusions. The US emerged from the war with immense power relative to vanquished foes and weakened rivals. The US then became a national security state in order to guide and stimulate the economy. War became America's primary business. The Korean War locked in massive military budgets during peacetime. The US occupied southern Korea utilizing Japanese collaborators to control the population. Thousands of Koreans were killed by US quislings prior to the start of the war. The war itself killed millions and totally destroyed the North. The US maintains an occupation force even now as part of its global empire of bases. In Vietnam, the US took over from France to scuttle elections and occupy the South. That war also resulted in millions of deaths. During this time, the US instigated a coup in Indonesia in which at least 500,000 members of the largest political party were murdered with the encouragement and logistical support of the CIA/State Department. Meanwhile, back in Vietnam the US instituted the Phoenix program of murder and terror. At the conclusion of that war, some of the CIA's Phoenix "professionals" were sent to Central America where they created and directed death squads for US friendly regimes as a means of social control. The same folks did essentially the same thing in Iraq as part of a divide and rule strategy. Since the 2014 US sponsored Ukrainian coup, the CIA has provided training and guidance to Ukrainian neo-Nazi death squads. What we have is a consistent pattern of mass-murder, terror, corruption, financial domination and economic exploitation as part of the imperial modus operandi. In Harold Pinter's words: "The crimes of the United States have been systematic, constant, vicious, remorseless, but very few people have actually talked about them. You have to hand it to America. It has exercised a quite clinical manipulation of power worldwide while masquerading as a force for universal good."   

I am not overly concerned with why the majority of non-marginalized citizenry buy into official propaganda. Unless it effects them directly, most will simply go along to get along, believing most propaganda aimed at their interest group (Democrat, Republican, "liberal", "conservative", etc.). I am only slightly more interested in why the professional intelligentsia buys into this crappola. For example "progressives" and "liberals" are more accurately thought of as imperial progressives and imperial liberals. Their progressivism and liberalism expressed within the confines of the imperial narrative. They are an integral part of the imperial power structure and will adapt their positions to the changing reality in which they earn their living. The group which fascinates and perplexes me are the radical dissidents who seem fully aware of the nature and crimes of empire, yet seem to have been caught up in the official Ukrainian narrative. Is the Ukrainian propaganda so intense that these "radicals" are simply overwhelmed by the narrative? Going along with what everyone else "knows" to be true and self evident? Or have they succumbed to the power of propagandistic labeling? An "independent" Ukraine invaded by Russia, the ultimate crime of war? Not to excuse the empire for its history, of course, but how not to condemn Russia? Even if it means de facto support for US/NATO and the global empire? Even if the Ukraine is not really independent but a US/NATO/IMF controlled vassal state cum satrapy? Even if the Ukraine utilizes the CIA to implement Phoenix type death squads utilizing empowered neo-Nazis? Even if the NATO equiped and trained neo-Nazi infested  Ukrainian military was preparing an assault on the Donbass to provoke Russia into getting involved after the fact? And even if US/NATO's expansion reflects the implementation of the neocon Project for the New American Century? I have no answer to these questions, the logic of these radicals escapes me.

Final comment. Cui bono? Who gains from Russia's limited invasion of the Ukraine? Not Russia unless you consider preventing NATO from installing advanced missile systems on Russia's border something other than the elimination of an existential threat. Or, perhaps, the elimination of NATO equiped and trained neo-Nazis who have been attacking the Donbass for 8 years killing about 15,000 Russian speaking Ukrainians. A de facto NATO controlled military preparing a massive assault on the Donbass region. And who gains from the closing of the Nordstream 2 pipeline? From the elimination of the potential for improved Russian-German relations and trade along with the implications for geostrategic power? Of increased European defense spending and the invigoration and enlargement of NATO (Finland and Sweden)? Of draconian sanctions which will destroy the markets for Russian raw materials and Chinese manufactures? Sanctions which will provide the pretext for attacking Chinese overseas investment? It should be obvious that the Russia's military intervention in the Ukrainian vassal state is a (predictable) net loss for Russia and was likely viewed by the Russian leadership as the least bad alternative for dealing with continued US/NATO aggression. The empire, however, seems to have achieved multiple objectives and will continue this Global war for hegemony as we transition to a new era with a new political economy. Yet the question remains as to how it is possible for the imperial narrative to so completely and successfully misrepresent reality when so many contradictory facts are available?

Saturday, April 23, 2022

The Power of the Narrative


In "The Logic of Irrationality," I wrote that something is logical if it is consistent with relevant assumptions, whereas, something is rational if it is consistent with observable reality. The main thrust of the essay was that group ideology may provide an irrational framework to evaluate facts and events which would cause logical conclusions to be irrational. I have come to realize, however, that "observable reality" presents a large problem when dealing with situations and events which we observe primarily through the media rather than through direct experience. When the "facts" presented are false and the narrative propagandistic, particularly when consistent with other official misrepresentations, a dishonest narrative can be seen as an honest depiction of reality, hence, a sound basis for decision making. The power of the narrative is that it takes facts or pseudo facts while omitting contradictory facts and weaves them together into a coherent and cohesive story which supports a desired conclusion which seems completely rational based upon the "observable reality" depicted in the narrative. Once the narrative is accepted and believed it forms the basis for evaluating competing facts and narratives. To a significant degree, those who control the narrative control society, at least at the follower level.

Ideology and social mythology are relatively enduring but mostly static foundational beliefs. Things such as America is a democracy which sacrifices blood and treasure to bring freedom to the less fortunate peoples of the world, a shining city on the hill, for example. Beliefs which form the very basis for evaluating reality and constructing narratives. Narratives are stories constructed from facts and observations consistent with ideology and social mythology. For the purpose of this discussion I am going to ignore mini narratives and focus on significant narratives such as concerning the conflict in the Ukraine, and on overarching narratives such as the depicting of the history of US wars and interventions. Since very few Americans have first hand knowledge of the Ukraine, virtually all of our information comes from the media. This is primarily the mainstream media along with mainstream controlled alternative media. At this point in time, true dissent within the media is practically non-existent as a massive propaganda campaign silences dissent and reinforces the official narrative: Russia as a resurgent, war mongering empire and Putin as the new Hitler, a ruthless dictator to be feared and destroyed. The US history of ongoing military interventions is not discussed except, perhaps, within the framework of the overarching narrative of the US as a force for good with a responsibility to protect. Nowhere in the official narrative will the real history of the US empire be discussed with its long history of mass murder and subjugation of weaker peoples in its pursuit of global hegemony. To those who turn a blind eye to the nature of the empire in which they live, such an analytical framework is virtually inconceivable. One consequence of all of this is that the empire is free to do what it wants without fear of public opinion as long as it can construct and sell a suitable narrative. Most of the citizenry go along to get along and are not the least interested in poking holes in an official narrative which makes them feel good about themselves even as it manipulates their manufactured fears. This is the power of the narrative as a tool for social control.

A critically important point is that although any objective analysis of actual US interventions would give the lie to the "shining city on the hill" mythology, how many people are aware of this history? Most Americans sense of US history is overwhelmingly shaped by the myth-history presented in the entertainment media. In fact, I believe that Hollywood is at least as influential at shaping opinions as the news media. Current propaganda is evaluated against historical patterns as depicted primarily in movies, TV, books, etc. This, in turn, is reinforced by vague recollections of news media propaganda from the past. James Bond and Jack Ryan are heroic good guys, the CIA our defense against the ruthless KGB. Our military brave defenders of democracy and freedom around the globe. Very few seem aware that these big budget war films (Top Gun, etc) require extensive military cooperation to be made. This, in turn, entails extensive military input into the script. Anti war movies are few and far between and usually occur at specific junctures. You will never see a Hollywood movie showing the routine massacre of civilians by the US military as occurred in Korea and Viet Nam and elsewhere. Or the use of CIA controlled death squads in Indonesia, Central America, Iraq and now Ukraine. Or the CIA involvement in international drug smuggling. Instead, you will see an emotionally engaging propagandistic misrepresentation of reality consistent with ideology, social mythology, and the long term overarching narrative. This will serve as a surrogate historical framework within which current "news" is evaluated for believability. Keep in mind that in our global empire, Hollywood and other aspects of US media have a global impact upon reality perception. A single nation such as Russia cannot compete, not even close. The bottom line is that most Americans are unaware of the essential nature of the empire in which they live, their worldview based upon a constructed fantasy. Let me mention one fact which is never mentioned which would better put Russian power in perspective. Russian GDP in 2021 was less than half that of Germany and only slightly more than half of France. Hardly the basis for imperial ambitions.

Through the power of the imperial narrative, ongoing US/NATO aggression against Russia has been successfully depicted in the West as unprovoked Russian aggression against the Ukraine. This provides the pretext for further anti-Russian aggression by US/NATO, the abandonment of the Nordstream 2 pipeline along with the potential for closer German-Russian economic cooperation, and, most significantly, the imposition of sanctions ostensibly against Russia for its invasion but which are the basis for a global economic war designed to collapse the global economy. These sanctions will effect Europe more than Russia resulting in the collapse of the European market which, along with the closing of the US market will severely impact the Chinese export oriented economy. I have seen no indication that either the Russians or Chinese fully appreciate what is happening. We are at the end of the hydrocarbon era which both the Russian and Chinese economies were designed to support: one exporting minerals the other manufactures. Those days are over and trade is being intentionally shut down via sanctions with Russia being blamed. The key to survival will be local autonomy, not massive trade with elaborate supply chains. And most of the Western citizenry haven't got a clue as to what is actually happening because they are surrounded by the most all-encompassing and effective propaganda system ever conceived. Also, few really want to know the ugly truth, preferring to go along to get along. Unfortunately, that won't be enough to protect most folks from the changes about to occur.

One thing continues to bother me. How can many members of the left punditry fail to see the obvious? While the propaganda has been unusually focused and misleading, nonetheless, enough facts slipped through to permit any reasonable person to connect the dots and see what is actually occurring. Mind you, I am not talking about the mass of the citizenry who go along to get along, I am talking about so-called left leaning commentators who should be at least minimally aware of reality. So, a brief history of non-controversial, generally known facts. Let us begin in 2014 when neocon war hawk under secretary of state Victoria Nuland was centrally involved in the overthrow of the elected and legitimate government of Ukraine, to be replaced by her handpicked successor. At that point, Ukraine ceased to be a sovereign nation and became a US/NATO vassal state. A failed state kept afloat by foreign aid and World Bank loans. The overthrow and consolidation was made possible by the disciplined ruthlessness and terror of the neo-Nazis who formed an integral and essential part of the imposed regime. The Maidan protests began peacefully but soon became violent in the well known tradition of imperial regime changes. The elected President fled and the neo-Nazi infested, US supported satrapy took over immediately instituting what can only be described as an anti-Russian pogrom. The Russian speaking southeast rebelled and attempted to break away in self defense. The Donbass succeeded, however, Odessa failed as neo-Nazis massacred protesters in the trade union building, setting it afire and officially murdering 49 people, with an unofficial count of over 100. The Donbass was attacked by the Ukrainian military, however they were essentially defeated and driven back with Russian logistical assistance. Negotiations took place resulting in the Minsk agreements where the government of Ukraine agreed (on paper at least) to stop their attacks and permit the Donbass region significant autonomy within Ukraine. The Crimea, however, which had historically been a part of Russia voted overwhelmingly to rejoin Russia. The Ukraine refused to implement the Minsk agreements and had the full backing of US/NATO in so doing.

When Donald Trump was unexpectedly elected President in 2016, the neocon proxy aggression against Russia had to adapt. Trump had indicated that he would seek to improve relations with Russia, an act of heresy for the Russophobic neocons and liberal interventionists. Perhaps the most significant aspect of this phase was the totally unprecedented and unprincipled attack on President Trump as an unpatriotic Manchurian candidate, put in  office by Moscow and controlled by Putin. An absolutely ludicrous ascertion. Arguably treasonous in its own right. While Trump had/has flaws too numerous to mention, he was not the war monger Hillary Clinton was/is. I have never seen anything like it. The Zionist controlled media, the Zionist controlled Democratic party and the Deep State were united in their efforts. Any initiative which would upset plans to attack and dismember Russia and/or eliminate Putin were treated as treasonous. Think about it. For four years the Zionist Democrats along with the Zionist media and the Deep State created a political environment where it was virtually impossible for the President of the United States to conduct negotiations aimed at conflict resolution and peace with Russia. Such was the neoconization of imperial foreign policy and the commitment to aggression against Russia. During this time, the neocons succeeded in using NATO to massively arm and train the neo-Nazi infested Ukrainian army, including the Azov Battalion. And once Biden was installed in the oval office, Victoria Nuland was brought back to oversea implementation of the neocon agenda and the inevitable war with Russia. And now liberal pundits who ignored imperial support for Ukrainian neo-Nazis and the 14,000 deaths in the Donbass caused by US/NATO/neo-Nazi aggression condemn Russia for violation of international law? International law which the empire tramples over on a daily basis? Negotiations? They haven't noticed how the empire has spurned negotiations for 8 years even as it has increased violence? It would appear that the so-called left is, in reality, an imperial left which is quite comfortable with the totalitarian direction we are headed and which they enthusiastically support.

"If we just let our vision of the world go forth, and we embrace it entirely, and don't try to piece together clever diplomacy but just wage a total war, out children will sing great songs about us years from now." (Richard Perle, notorious neocon)

Give me hegemony or give me death? This is the new "progressive" battle cry? Enthusiastic support for the neocon Project for a New American Century? For endless war? For risking nuclear war confident that our opponent will always back down if we remain resolute and uncompromising? We live in surreal times of "progressive" war fever. Where actual events are distorted by relentless propaganda into a grotesque misrepresentation of imperial power seeking. Where the logic of irrationality powers a war mongering imperial narrative whose end result is a form of collective insanity.

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Global War


"If we just let our vision of the world go forth, and we embrace it entirely, and don't try to piece together clever diplomacy but just wage a total war, out children will sing great songs about us years from now." (Richard Perle, influential neocon)

We have entered the third phase of World War III. The first phase was President Clinton's use of NATO as an out of area strike force to attack and dismember Yugoslavia. Up until that point NATO was ostensibly a defensive alliance of Western European nations plus the US. As such, with the collapse of the Soviet Union and the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact, NATO lost it justification and should have been dissolved. The reality, however, was that NATO was the organizational means by which the US controlled the Western European militaries and influenced their political economies to comport with imperial objectives. Clinton effectively redefined NATO's mission from a supposed defensive alliance to that of a US led imperial strike force. This was followed by a series of US fomented "color revolutions" in former Warsaw Block countries followed by NATO expansion eastward in violation of promises made to the USSR/Russia not to expand NATO eastward. Subsequently, the US used NATO to attack Libya and Syria. 

Phase two was the 2014 coup in the Ukraine turning the Ukraine into a neo-Nazi infested US/NATO vassal state, it's armed forces are armed and trained by US/NATO and culminating with the unrelenting military attack on the Russian speaking people in the Donbass region of Ukraine. Phase three is the Russia invasion of Ukraine to demilitarize and denazify this US/NATO vassal state, eliminating this existential threat to Russian security. Make no mistake, the current fighting represents an intensification of the empire's efforts to eliminate potential "threats" to imperial hegemony during the transition to a restructured global financial and production system (The Great Reset). The philosophy behind this increased imperial aggressiveness seems best articulated by those known as neocons. These are highly placed and influential militarists (Victoria Nuland, for example) who espouse ongoing warfare as necessary for US global hegemony in the 21st century. The dismemberment of Russia remains one of their goals. 

The notion that the American led empire seeks peace and justice anywhere is ludicrous. Imperialism is a vicious and brutal business usually characterized by ruthlessness and vindictiveness, the current empire no exception. Propagandistic appeals to international law, humanitarian intervention or the responsibility to protect in  order to camouflage naked aggression appeal only to those who wish to close their eyes to the ugly reality. The empire tramples on international law on a daily basis and has a long history of serial mass murder, hence, is in no position to posture as a champion of morality. The current Ukrainian conflict provoked by US/NATO utilizing Ukrainian proxy forces has already achieved significant imperial objectives. The Nordstream 2 gas pipeline which the empire adamantly opposed is now a dead issue along with the increased Russian/European cooperation and trade which would have logically followed. Instead, we have European vassal states subservient to US/NATO foreign policy diktats aligned against Russia in a form of hybrid war, a neocon's dream come true. Perhaps more significant are the draconian sanctions which will devastate Europe economically while contributing to the controlled demolition of the global economy as part of the global restructuring culminating in totalitarian neofeudalism. The plan is for the American led global empire to be the uncontested global hegemon. We are basically seeing the attempt to implement the neocon Project for a New American Century.

There will be no peace in the Ukraine, the Empire won't allow it. While the tank and artillery battles will come to an end, a US/NATO supported and directed "insurgency" will begin. Much like the US/NATO/Israel supported al Qaida offshoots committing destabilizing terror in the Middle East; Ukrainian, Polish and other neo-Nazis will engage in low level terror and destabilizng campaigns. This may lead to a full blown European war between US/NATO and Russia. As long as it can be contained and primarily involve Europe, it would be consistent with the neocon game plan. They are consummate warmongers. And this will be a global war including China. In my opinion, the export economy of China is more fragile than most realize and will be subject to attack. Sanctions will be used to restrict as much as possible those who align themselves with Russia. China's overseas investments, particularly in Africa, will be subject to seizure. Neither Russia nor China has significant long range force projection. Both are powerful regionally, however, neither can compete with the empire militarily on a global basis without resorting to nuclear weapons. Both know this. While China may appear to be an economic powerhouse, their economic might exists within the Western designed, maintained, administered and controlled global economic framework. Foreign investments can be frozen or seized and financial reserves made to dissappear. Russian and Chinese efforts to create an alternate to the imperial system are too little, too late. 

And then there are the biolabs in the Ukraine and around the globe encircling Russia and China and everyone else. Shortly after then 911 terror attacks, there were supposed terrorist originated biological attacks involving anthrax. Later it turned out that the anthrax had originated in a US biolab, however, at the time this provided the justification for a proliferation of US controlled biolabs globally, supposedly for defensive purposes. To preserve the illusion of peaceful intent, control was passed from the Pentagon to the NIH with Dr. Anthony Fauci in control of these "gain of function" projects. When a temporary halt to "gain of function" research was called in 2014, Dr. Fauci transferred this research to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the probable source of the COVID-19 outbreak. An associate of Dr. Fauci is Dr. Robert Kadlec, a bioweapons expert who believes that "Biological warfare's potential to create significant economic losses and consequent political instability, coupled with plausible deniability, exceeds the possibilities of any other human weapon." ("The Real Anthony Fauci," p381). The notion that the empire needs hundreds of biolabs worldwide to conduct what must be redundant research seems far fetched. More likely is that the global war we are now in will probably entail the use of highly infectious but only moderately lethal biological agents. Weapons of mass economic disruption. Russia and China are vulnerable to such an attack, the US is not. An attack which would be extremely difficult to prove conclusively, hence, deniable. Even to the extent of a lab origin versus zoonotic transfer.

The empire has instigated a global war in eastern Europe which will be extended to the entire planet. The sanctions already imposed will impact the entire global economy. Additionally, proxy forces will be employed to disrupt Chinese economic power so dependent upon trade and investment. Africa, South America, Asia, etc., will be subjected to anti-Chinese hybrid warfare. Syria will likely come under increased attack as a Russian ally. Israel may engage Iran in hybrid warfare. Cyber attacks may also proliferate. Biologic weaponry may also be used. Propaganda and domestic population control will be ubiquitous as global conditions deteriorate resulting in mass starvation and disease. We will likely enter a full scale global war for global hegemony stopping just short of nuclear war, if possible. The situation is dire, human survival uncertain. 

Apparently, the neocon game plan is to duplicate, to an extent, the outcome of World War II where the US emerged as the dominant great power after foes were destroyed and rivals weakened. There is a certain perverse logic to this as we are at the end of the hydrocarbon era and require global restructuring of the financial system and other aspects of the global political economy. The choice for the empire was to either maintain business as usual until the current global system collapsed into chaos in the near future (5 yr?, 10 yr?, 20 yr?) or to initiate a controlled demolition in order to maintain control and strongly influence the outcome in order to perpetuate Western elite rule, albeit under significantly changed circumstances.  One reason for the recent Western offshoring of manufacturing operations was/is to eliminate Western old style manufacturing operations to avoid the disruption when energy constraints make old style manufacturing societies obsolete. There is a method to what the uninformed view as madness. The current Ukraine conflict is but one phase of an elite initiated global war which is likely going to intensify and spread globally with the empire risking nuclear war and employing full spectrum dominance to smash any and all perceived threats to imperial elite plans for a new world order with them in charge. The seriousness of all of this is evident in the elite propaganda which is over the top war propaganda with a single purpose and where dissent equals treason. None of what I have written is even conceivable to those who go along to get along and whose world view is informed by the official narrative.